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France 1582

Three days later... at midnight

"Mary!" Francis exclaims and kisses his wife, "Francis!" Mary exclaims and cries happily. "Where's Annè?" Mary asks her husband "she's sleeping in her chamber, Lady Rose is with her and has been with her since she came back," Francis explains. "oh my baby!" Mary whispered under her breath. The king and his queen walk back into the castle.

At Morning time...

"Julianne, your mother is back!" Rose exclaimed while waking Julianne up. "my mother is back!"

"good morning my princess," a noble spoke "good morning," Julianne responded with her friendly smile "have you seen my father?" she asks "yes, in garden," the noble responds "thank you," Julianne spoke and the noble bows and she walks to the garden.


"Julianne," Francis spoke "I heard about mother," Julianne replied. "Julianne," a voice spoke and Julianna identified that voice as her mother's "Mother!" Julianne ran to her mother and her mother took her into her arms. "Never ever let me leave you!" Julianne exclaimed "I can't promise that," Mary replied "just never leave me," she spoke "I'll try not too,"

Julianne tried not to cry, but she couldn't help it. "Julianne?" Mary wondered why her daughter was crying. "I'm sorry," Julianne replied confusing her mother. "what for? you've done nothing wrong," Mary explained "my side hurts," Julianne replied as she tried to stop crying, "it really hurts," Julianne exclaimed in pain. Mary helps her daughter to the infirmary.

Weeks later...


"I'm not going! you can't make me!" Julianne shouts back. "I know you don't like him, but it's your father's orders," Mary replied "Mother, who told you it was father's orders? because Father would never make me go or do something against my will," Julianne shouted at her mother.

Nobles walking by Julianne's chamber didn't hear anything except muffled yelling then Mary walking out. "Mother! you should tell father that i want to see him," Julianne shouted as her mother walked out. Mary walked away, Rose quickly ran into Julianne's chamber.

"your grace what was that all about?" Rose asks "for some reason Father wants to send me to Italy." Julianne explains to Rose. "that's not your father's order, your grace." Rose replies "that is exactly what I'm saying," Julianne agrees. "I need to see my father," Julianne exclaimed "Your Grace! his majesty is busy in the throne room," Rose says "I don't care," Julianne says walking out her chambers. Rose followed. Julianne had an unreadable expression on her face as she walked to the throne room.

The doors to the throne room open. "Julianne?" Francis spoke. "your majesty i need to speak to you," Julianne formally spoke to her father. "Excuse me for a moment," Francis spoke to the nobles beside him. They bowed as he walked out.

"Julianne, what is it?" Francis asks his daughter once the both of them walked out to the garden. "Father, did you order me to go Italy?" Julianne asks her father. "no, what?!" Francis asks his daughter in confusion. "so you didn't order me to go Italy!" Julianne repeats. "Julianne what happened?!" Francis asks his daughter. "Mother walked into my chamber saying that you ordered me to go to Italy," Julianne explains to her father. "I never did," Francis tells his daughter again. "I wonder what that was all about," Julianne spoke.

"Me too," Francis spoke. "F-Fathe-" Julianne as everything went black for her. "Julianne!" Francis shouts, and he makes sure she doesn't hit her head by holding her. "Guards!" Francis shouts.

In the infirmary...

"Julianne," Francis spoke. "Francis? what happened?!" Mary asks once she ran into the infirmary. "I don't know, she was fine," Francis replies. "Your majesties, I'm afraid that the princess has been poisoned." the physician informs the king and queen.

"poisoned?!" the parents say at the same time. the physician nods. "she doesn't deserve to be like this," Mary cries.

A few hours later in the King and Queen's chamber.

"Mary, go to Scotland," Francis spoke "what! no! Julianne needs me, she needs us!" Mary argues back. "trust me Mary," Francis spoke. "then what about Julianne?" Mary replies. "she'll stay with me here in France, and James, our unborn son will grow up in Scotland with you, and eventually the two of you will be able to come back to France as everything will be safe," Francis explains to his wife. "can I leave when Annè wakes up?" Mary asks her husband as he nods his head. "Julianne will be able to visit you," Francis adds on to his earlier statement.

In the Morning...

"Julianne!" Mary gently exclaims in excitement that her daughter woke up. "M-mother!" Julianne replies weakly. "Where's Father?" Julianne asks her mother. "your father is on his way here now," Mary responds to her daughter's question.

Francis walked in and that's when Julianne realized that her parents wanted to talk to her about something important.

An hour later...

"Bye Mother! I'll see you soon," Julianne waves farewell to her mother. Francis and Mary had explained to Julianne everything and the reason why her mother had to go back to scotland and not only because of her unborn brother."Annè, you have an important role to fill right now until your mother comes back," Francis spoke. "you could have let me rest a while longer before letting me wake up only to say farewell to Mother," Julianne explains her rage in a calm way. "how long did you want to rest?" Francis asks. "at least a week Father, at LEAST a week," Julianne remarks. "I'm sorry." Francis spoke as they walked back into the castle.

"Julianne, I'm so sorry that my role and position causes you so much pain and suffering," Francis spoke. "It wasn't your fault that you were born to the king and queen of France," Julianne spoke. "however you're the reason why i exist and why James will too," Julianne adds on.

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