𝐅𝐮𝐥𝐥 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐕𝐈𝐈

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Allison's POV

I woke up in an unfamiliar room, then i turned around and saw Shawn Whittemore-Steiner laying right next to me "Shawn?" I say and a sleepy Shawn responded "g'morning sleepy head" Shawn says "better get used to this because you will be staying a while, your father said so" Shawn adds on "oh!" I say, "he didn't say anything else?" I ask "no, he didn't, love" Shawn says kissing my forehead.

"I heard that E.J. Caswell is hosting a party later tonight, do you wanna go?" Shawn asks "before you get an answer I need food first" I say with a smile on my face even though I wasn't feeling great. "Shawn? have you seen my phone?" I asked "it's on my night stand" Shawn says "okay got it, thanks boo" I said pecking his lips surprising him, before running downstairs and colliding with Sawyer "asshole" Sawyer says "jerk" I responded "Sawyer, what did we say?" Ethan says.

"good morning Allison" Ethan and Jackson said at the same time. "good morning" I responded back, "I gotta make a really quick call" I say as the parents nod their head. I walk outside.

Third Person's POV (omniscient)

Call Starts...

"Good morning Ally"

"Mornin' to you too Dad"

"so how's it going over at the Whittemore-Steiner household? because Liam misses you so does Claudia"

"dad, Claudia and Sawyer are dating so I wouldn't worry about Claudia, but I really love Shawn, I'm afraid about Liam's reaction because he hates and I mean it he hates the Whittemore-Steiner's and I don't know how to break it to him that I'm in love and he can't change that"

"Ally, I need you to listen to what I'm about to say, if you really love Shawn, it doesn't matter what Liam thinks and in general what others think, I have seen how Shawn acts around you, it's just like I was when I met Allison Argent in sophomore year, I would do anything and say anything just to see her smile, Shawn loves you Allison, don't lose that, promise me that you won't no matter what happens"

"I promise dad, I promise that I won't let him go"

"yeah, okay, well, I got to go"

"yeah me too gotta eat, bye dad, have a great day at work"

"I'll try, and you have a great day too, I love you Allison"

"I love you too dad"

Call Ends...

What Allison didn't know was that the Whittemore-Steiner family were listening and they knew it was wrong but they wanted to know how Allison felt about Shawn.

"hey" Allison said walking back into the house, "so what did I miss?" Allison asks "you missed Sawyer tripping over air⎯" Ethan says "and then he fell face first ⎯" Jackson says "⎯ and all he cared about was his precious face and hair" Shawn finishes off, "we made waffles!" Shawn adds on. "it's like you guys know me so well" Allison exclaims. "I told you!!" Shawn says looking at his dads. "so Allison, since you will be staying with us for a while, we would wanna get to know you" Ethan says.

Hours go by and the Whittemore-Steiner family got to know Allison.

Five months later (Allison is still staying with the Whittemore-Steiners) ...

"Ally!" Shawn yells from downstairs in the kitchen "yes?" Allison yells back "I love you!" Shawn yells "I love you too!" Allison yells from Shawn's room. "shut up!" Sawyer yells from his room "go screw yourself!" Shawn yells at his brother "and leave Allison alone!" Shawn yells adding on. "she's just another one of your bitches!" Sawyer yells "what?!" Ethan yells running up the stairs.

"you do not know anything about your brother's life!" Ethan says "we are the same!" Sawyer says "NO WE ARE NOT SAWYER YOU DON'T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT ALLISON BUT I DO!" Shawn yells "babe! Shawn it's okay! don't fight over me!" Allison says trying to calm him down "yeah! right!" Sawyer says "we are alike in many ways Shawn!" Sawyer says "No you are not!" Jackson says walking into Sawyer's room "Shawn!" Allison yells getting his attention.

"I'm okay, it's okay" Allison says holding Shawn close to her "I'm okay Shawn, I'm okay" Allison repeats and she hugs him.

Present day...

"hey dad! please call me back when you can, i miss you and Liam so much and yes i'm doing fine!" Allison says into Scott's voicemail before hanging up. "hey Shawn?" Allison says walking into their room "hey babe what's up?" Shawn responds "you know that party that Sebb and Carlos are hosting you want to go?" Allison asks "of course i do" Shawn exclaims. "i miss my dad and Liam!" Allison states "I know you do!" Shawn responds.

Later that day...

"don't drink!" Jackson exclaims as the two couples walked out the front door "we won't dad" Shawn replies. "you're no fun!" Sawyer says "and you can shut up" Allison says "and you're a bitch" Sawyer says and gets punched by Shawn. "alright stop" Allison shouts. "get in the car!" Allison shouts again and the twins instantly get in the car. "drive" Claudia tells Sawyer "i am" Sawyer replies.

Soon enough...

"there you are" Carlos exclaims "a little drama happened sorry" Allison explains.

"aw Ally" Sebb sighs pulling her away from everyone. "what happened?!" Sebb asked "it's fine, I'm fine" Allison says "don't lie to me young lady" Sebb sasses. "my mom doesn't love me, so my dad and brother sent me to live with Shawn, because they know that if I stay home my mom is going to do anything just not to see me, I haven't seen them in months and I'm just worried that, that day would be last that I saw them." Allison explains "can you hold me?" Allison cries, and Sebb doesn't say anything other than "okay" and held her.

"Sebb can I have my girlfriend back please?" Shawn asked after noticing that Allison disappeared. "no, call her dad or at least Liam" Sebb exclaims worryingly. "what's wrong? is she okay?" Shawn asks "does she look like she is?!" Sebb replies.

Call Starts...

"Mr. McCall?!"

"Shawn is everything okay?!"

(whispers between Sebb and Shawn)

"Shawn?! Are you there? Is everything alright?"

"Sorry Mr. McCall, Shawn didn't know what to say, It's Sebb by the way"

"Oh-oh Sebb, is everything okay?"

"Allison really misses Liam and you, she broke down"

"Is it alright if I come over?"

"Of course it's alright"

"Alright then it was nice talking to you, I'm going to hang up now"

"Bye Mr. McCall"

"Bye Sebb"

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