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i dont feel like writing an epilogue so im gonna summarize how the rest of these people lived their lives <3

Milo and Madelyn: The two ended up getting married at 24 and they grew old together. They went on dates every week, starred in at least every other movie they filmed together, and they always supported each other's success. The longest they ever verbally fought was 3 days. They were really good at listening to the other, and every one of their fights ended up with a great way of solving it. When they were 27, they had one kid named Matthew. After their deaths, their graves were placed beside each other with one gravestone. 

Stella and Lexie: The two got married seven months after Madelyn and Milo became official. They decided that they didn't want any kids, and they focused on travelling around the world. They went to every premiere that Milo and Madelyn had together. They continued to focus on travelling the world, even after retirement. Stella and Madelyn never grew apart, and Lexie never grew apart from either of them. Their gravestones were placed beside each other, with one of Stella's song lyrics engraved: "I'll be holding you in the afterlife too."

Evan and Jordyn: Evan received 4 years in jail, but got out a month early on good behavior. When he got out of jail, he moved on from Madelyn, and continued to star in movies. He got married, but only lived to 30, and died of skin cancer. As for Jordyn, she received 3 years, and she didn't get out early. After she got out of jail, she became a drug addict, and she died at only 25 because of overdosing. She died alone, but Milo and Madelyn went to her funeral.

honestly loved writing this story it was fun. should i write bonus chapters? lmk if you want some of those. ill post those later though, because im gonna focus on my chris sturniolo story rn. thank you for reading this far, ily <3

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