01- Way Out

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As I walked down the carpet, I could hear my name being shouted in front of me, behind me, from my left, and from my right. Pictures of me were taken every other second. I never liked the attention, but it was my mom's choice to put me into acting as a child. I grew up with crushes on actors I worked with, which was a trait that led into my older years in acting. That's how I started dating the one and only Evan Lennon.

Things between us only lasted 6 months, and the world had just heard the news of our parting. There was a lot of talk about it, and I was  asked questions by every other person I walked by. I just said what I usually said, which was that it was a "mutual break up". And that was the truth and nothing but the truth, but some people just wanted some kind of drama, so they twisted my words. I usually didn't try and pay attention to the twisted versions of my words, and I kept on saying what I usually said.

I was at the premiere of the movie "Dilemma", which I starred in. It was actually a big hit. Bigger than I expected, at least. I saw the plot twist coming in the mystery film, so it wasn't that interesting to me. It's not like I could change anything about that, though.

After I finished faking smiles for the photos and answering questions about my past relationship, I walked into the theater where the first showing of the movie would begin. I sat down in the back with my other co-stars.

"Hey, I think I'm going to go to the bathroom." I whispered to the actor beside me. He nodded and I walked out of the theater.

But I wasn't actually going to the bathroom. I was going to leave the premiere and go grab a drink.

I grabbed a coat off the lobby's coat hanger and put the hood over my head. I walked out of the lobby with my head down, praying that no one would try and talk to me, or ask any questions.

After a few minutes of walking, I saw a bar by the name of "Way Out". I walked in and looked around. It was mainly older couples sitting at the tables and a few older men and women at the bar. I took off my coat, hoping no one would try and grab my attention.

And thankfully, no one did. I showed the bartender my ID, and I ordered a Long Island Iced Tea.

"Thanks." I muttered to the guy as he handed me the drink. I took a sip immediately. It was a good way to escape all the overwhelming people. 

It didn't take me long to finish my drink, and as I finished, I heard the bar door open. I turned my head to see who it was, and it was a taller man with dark hair. He walked over to me and sat down in the chair beside mine as I ordered my second drink.

He showed the bartender his ID and ordered a shot of tequila. Then he turned to face me. "Hello." He greeted me.

"Hi." I responded. I know that I was hoping no one would speak to me, but this guy was an exception. He was attractive, and I wanted to see what would happen with me and him.

"How has your night been?" He asked, and the bartender slid him his shot.

"Overwhelming." I answered, and I turned to look at him as I took a sip of my drink.

"How come?" He questioned.

"I was at a premiere, and there were a lot of voices, and a lot of flashing lights." I told him.

"Yeah, I'm sure that was overwhelming." 

"It really was. So now I'm here, having a drink with you." I said. "Anyway, how has your night been?"

"Fine, I guess. Better now that I'm here." He answered. He flashed a smile.

His comment got a small smile out of me. I could feel my face getting warm, and I looked the other way until I calmed down.

We continued flirting back and forth, and soon we were both hammered. We walked out of the bar together that night, and I wore his jacket with his hood over my head. 

We checked into a hotel for the night. We didn't wait to brush our teeth or anything before getting into bed together. It started with light kissing, and then it ended up with my dress on the floor and him on top of me. 

Let's just say that things happened that night.

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