11- Girl's Night

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!! Spoiler warning for the show Shameless (US), I'll put 3 asterisks * at the spoiler !!

Milo's POV:

Seeing Madelyn walk away without saying anything made me feel awful. But what was she supposed to say? She just saw me kissing another girl, and to make it even worse, the girl was Jordyn. The same Jordyn who loathed Madelyn. It obviously made Madelyn feel bad, and I didn't know how to make her feel any better.

"Sucks that she had to see that. She's clearly jealous." Jordyn said, causing me to focus back into reality, instead of letting my mind float in a pool of thoughts.

"I kind of feel bad that she had to watch us kiss."

"Why do you feel that way?" Jordyn questioned.

"Well, it obviously made her feel pretty bad." I answered, looking back down at her.

"But you know what you want, so why does it matter whether she liked it or not? You do know what you want, right?" Jordyn raised her eyebrow at me.

I didn't answer immediately. But when I did, it seemed to satisfy Jordyn. "Yes, I know what I want. That's you."

I could see a small smile on Jordyn's lips after I finished speaking. "Besides, she probably never actually liked you. She probably saw us at the restaurant and got jealous so she pretended to start liking you. So she tried stalking you to get you away from me, the person that actually likes you. She's just a creepy stalker and a slut."

I didn't necessarily like the choice of words in Jordyn's last sentence, because it reminded me of the night at the bar, but I just decided to agree with her. "Yeah, it was pretty creepy, the whole stalking thing."

Jordyn was right. Madelyn was just a stalker, and I knew that I didn't want to be with someone as creepy as Madelyn.

"So, tonight we'll go out on a date?" Jordyn asked me.

"Yeah we will." I looked in her eyes and smiled.

"Okay." She gave me a wide smile before I grabbed her hand and we walked towards her car, ready to go on our date.

Madelyn's POV:

Stella, Lexie, and I decided to go back to my house. I had explained what I saw outside by the trailer, and we all agreed that we wanted to just chill and have a girl's night so that I would feel better.

"I'll get the ice cream tubs, and Stella can turn on Shameless." Lexie said as we walked in the door of my apartment, soaking wet from the rain that had just started a few minutes before.

"Sounds good." Stella said as she walked over to turn the television on.

*** We watched the episode where Fiona was getting arrested after Liam got into cocaine.

"It was all Robbie's fault." Stella said.

"Fiona shouldn't have left Liam alone when she knew that was in the house." Lexie argued.

"But Fiona didn't know that Liam was alone." I interrupted, my mouth full with mint chocolate chip ice cream.

"Someone should've been watching him." Lexie said.

"That's true." Stella and I said in unison.

We ended up turning the TV off after that episode, even though it was a cliffhanger. We had to have gone through at least 3 tubs of ice cream within that one episode, and our stomachs were aching.

Lexie laid her head on Stella's shoulder and closed her eyes for a moment. That just proved that we were all really tired.

"At least today won't bring anymore unwanted surprises." Stella said, clearly referring to the kiss earlier.

"True." Lexie said. "And Mads, you deserve someone who actually makes an effort to be around you."

I smiled at Lexie's comment. "I guess I do. Hopefully one day I'll be in a relationship like yours."

"It's pretty awesome." Stella said, and Lexie nodded in agreement.

As we were talking about future relationships, we heard a knock on my apartment.

"Who's at your door at 10:00 P.M. on a rainy Friday?" Lexie asked.

"I don't know." I shrugged and stand up. "I'll get it."

I walked over to the door as Lexie and Stella shared a small kiss.

Some of the rain from outside splashed me as I opened the door. I saw a male figure in a raincoat in front of me. He removed the hood of the raincoat, and I was convinced that my eyes were playing tricks on me.

But they weren't. What stood before me had the same light brown hair and the same hazel eyes that I had once loved before.

One word slipped out of my mouth as I studied him. "Evan?"

A/N: I know that it isn't 3:00 eastern time right now, but I wanted to publish a cliffhanger before Tuesday's chapter(s), so I hope you enjoyed and I hope that you enjoy where the story is going to go after this.

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