18- Savage

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Madelyn's POV:

I ended up taking Milo back to my house so that we could get away from Jordyn and Evan. When we were inside, we sat down on my couch and I began to talk about what happened. At first, I didn't know how I was going to explain Evan being his stalker, but then the topic started getting easier to talk about.

"When you were talking to Jordyn, I was talking to Evan about what you said to me." I started with. "And then he was telling me that I wasn't attracted to you, that I couldn't be, and that I was into him. Which isn't true. He told me you were a piece of shit, and then he started saying all this stuff that was really creepy. Stuff that he didn't watch happen, or at least we thought he didn't watch." 

"So what are you trying to say?" He asked me.

"I'm trying to tell you that Evan was the one who was stalking you, and probably still is."

"I thought the person stopped stalking me, though? They only sent the messages one night." He said.

"Evan was talking about you kissing Jordyn in front of me, and the fact that you haven't tried to make an effort to talk to me." I told him. "So he has been watching you, but he hasn't made it known to you." 

"Oh." He didn't say anything else.

"Yeah. I'm sorry." 

"It's okay, but it was just unexpected. I thought he was over you." He told me.

"I thought he was too." I sighed.


I looked at him and decided to ask him a question. "Why didn't you tell me you were being stalked?" 

"Because the message said to stay away from you, and then Jordyn convinced me that the message meant something else. So the truth is, I was never going to tell you. You weren't supposed to know, but you've found out now." He answered.

"I would've helped if you would've just told me." I told him.

"I know you would have." 

I gave him a toothless smile, and he returned it. We stared in each other's eyes for a few moments before he looked down at his lap. I looked around my living room as we sat in silence.

A few minutes later, I decided to speak again. "I wish he would've just got over me. But no, he decided to stalk you and then show up at my house to ask for me back."

"He showed up at your house?" He asked, looking back up at me.

I nodded. I explained to him that he showed up at my door at night after he kissed Jordyn in front of me.

"I'm sorry about that, by the way. I didn't know you were standing there." He apologized.

"You don't have to apologize. You clearly wanted her, and that's okay." I decided to accept the fact that he was with Jordyn, and that I would probably never get a chance with him.

"At the time, I did want her. I thought I knew what I wanted." 

"What do you mean you thought?" I questioned.

"I didn't actually want her. I was lying to myself. And I didn't realize that until tonight." He said.

"Was it when you were talking to her?" I asked him.

"Yeah. I ended up dumping her. So we aren't together anymore, and it's honestly a relief to not have to deal with her." He laughed softly.

I smiled at what he said. "Yeah. It's good to know I won't have to deal with her threats anymore." 

"Threats?" He asked.

That's when I realized that I never told Milo about her threatening me. 

"She texted me one night telling me that she'd make my life a living hell if I didn't back off of you. I didn't listen to her, though. But somehow you still ended up with her." I explained. "But that's not the only time that she threatened me. Did you know that she found out about our night together at the hotel?"

He shook his head. "No, I didn't. How did she find out?" 

"You." I said. "You were drunk and then you told her." 

His lips parted slightly in shock. "I didn't even know Mads- I'm so sorry-"

"It's fine. You were drunk, so it wasn't entirely your fault. It was the alcohol." I told him.

"I'm still sorry."

"It's okay." 

"God, I hope she doesn't tell anyone." He said. 

"We can arrest her before she gets the chance." I suggested.

He seemed shocked that I would even suggest that. "Are you serious?" He laughed quietly.

"I mean, yeah." I shrugged.

"Wow, you're a savage, Madelyn." He laughed.

I laughed with him. We laughed for a few seconds before he asked another question.

"Are we actually going to do that, though?" 

"We can say that she was threatening me, which isn't a lie." I told him.

He nodded, and then suggested that we could get Evan arrested too. "We can tell the police that he was stalking me." 

I agreed with him. "Should we do it after the trailer comes out? Or is that too early to do it?" 

"No, I think that's a good time to do it. I think doing it later would be too late, and I don't want to take that risk."

"That sounds good." I nodded in agreement. 

"You know, I'm kind of glad that I left Jordyn."

"You've said that." I said.

"I know. But it was like I was lying to myself about who I wanted. I wanted someone else, not her. And now I know that." He told me. He looked down in his lap and added, "I still want that someone else."

I nodded again. "Who do you want?" 

He looked back up at me. We looked in each other's eyes for a few seconds before he spoke up. 

"I want you, Mads." He said.

I could feel my face getting warmer and warmer. "I want you too." 

He smiled at me, and I smiled back. We were both feeling a bit nervous, but we barely even noticed that we were leaning closer and closer to each other.

Our lips met in a soft and gentle kiss. I ran my hands through his hair and down his back, and his hands were wrapped around my waist. I lightly tugged on his hair as the kiss got more and more aggressive. I could feel myself smiling against the kiss, while Milo continued to press his lips against mine. 

As we broke the kiss, we both sighed in relief. I'd been wanting to do that for so long, and now I finally did it. 

If This Was A Movie [M. Manheim]Where stories live. Discover now