13- Truth or Dare

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This chapter is about Jordyn and Milo's first date, which is set around the time that Madelyn, Stella, and Lexie are having a girl's night.

Milo's POV:

Jordyn and I walked into a random bar that didn't seem crowded. We didn't even pay attention to the bar's name, because we were too busy laughing and talking to each other that we practically fell into it. This was where we decided to go for our first official date. We chose two seats at the bar and ordered our drinks.

The date was a blur of colorful cocktails, wines, and beers. We drank until we were almost numb, our senses numbed to the world around us.

It wasn't fun for long, though. Soon the feeling of fun and excitement wore off, and both Jordyn and I were extremely tired as we leaned against the bar, barely able to hold ourselves up.

I couldn't tell how I felt in that moment, so I couldn't realize that I was in a very vulnerable state, emotionally speaking. My guard was down, and it was like a protective layer had been removed. My speech was slurred, I was barely able to stay standing, and everything around me was blurry.

One thing about being drunk is, you can't tell how drunk you are. I couldn't tell just how intoxicated I was, but Jordyn clearly seemed to take advantage of that. Jordyn wasn't as hammered as I was, so part of her was still sober. More sober than I was.

She started to play truth or dare with me. Being the pussy that I was at that moment, I chose truth.

"What is something you've never told anyone?" She asked me.

"You know the night I told you that I wanted to get drunk, around 2 months ago?" I said.

"Yeah." She nodded, waiting for me to continue.

"Well, I met someone there. You know her. Her and I got really drunk and then we got a hotel room." I said. "I guess you can fill in the blanks with what happened next."

"You said I know her?" Jordyn asked.

I nodded, and Jordyn smiled mischievously, not expecting the answer she was about to get.

"Are you two close and in contact?"

"We see each other every day." I said.

The information slipped from my lips unthinkingly, like a pebble skimming across the surface of a calm lake. It wasn't until I saw the surprised look on her face that I realized what I had shared. Her expression was a mix of shock, disbelief, and even betrayal.

"What?" I laughed drunkenly.

"Madelyn? Really?"

"She made the first move." I tried to defend myself.

"Did you know who she was?"

I nodded again.

Jordyn's jaw clenched slightly.

"What?" I said, laughing at the same time. "It was before you told me that you liked me, so why does it matter? The past is in the past, Jordi."

"It matters because I don't take you for the kind of guy to have a one night stand, especially with someone you knew was famous. And you know that if the word got out to anyone, both of your reputations would be ruined, right?"

"I was just trying to live a little. And come on, it wouldn't be that bad if the word got out."

"The alcohol is doing all the speaking, Milo." She said.

I laughed at her comment. "What are you talking about?"

"Let's just go." She grabbed my hand, and began to lead me outside.

"Why? We're having so much fun." I said, pulling away from her.

"You are, Milo. Because you're drunk." She sighed, pulling me again.

That's when all the "fun" ended. She took me back to her house and let me sleep on her couch until the alcohol wore off and my hangover was better.

Jordyn was clearly pissed that I slept with Madelyn Black, the girl she despised. She didn't bring her frustration and anger out on me, though. She brought it out on someone else.

Little did I know that "someone else" was Madelyn.

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