10- Sleaze

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Milo's POV:

1 week went by and I hadn't received any messages from the unknown number, or should I say Madelyn. Jordyn and I had been hanging out every day. Today we planned on Jordyn picking me up from work. I wasn't supposed to see her for another hour or so, but she surprised me with a visit on set.

"Hey Miles!" I heard from behind me. I had been talking to Lexie and Stella about the movie. I turned to see Jordyn carrying two coffees.

"Hi Jordyn." I said, not wanting to ask why she was early. She handed me a coffee and proceeded to wrap her arms around my neck. I hugged her back.

"Hi Stella. Hi Lexie." Jordyn waved at the two as she let go of the embrace. 

Lexie gave her a small wave back, but Stella practically scowled at Jordyn. Jordyn took notice of her look yet pretended to ignore it.

"Where's Madelyn?" Jordyn questioned, looking around.

"She's finishing up a scene." Lexie answered after Stella pretended to not hear Jordyn.

Jordyn just nodded slowly and said "Cool." 

"Why do you want to know?" Stella asked.

"I was just wondering, that's all. I never really see you away from her." Jordyn said.

"Well now you have." Stella gave her a closed mouth smile, but it seemed extremely passive aggressive. "And I'm not always around her. I have a life too." 

Jordyn returned that exact smile. "Good, you might start picking up her sleazy habits if you stick around her too long."

"Jordyn." I said in a stern tone. Her insult had come out of nowhere.

"Did you just call her a sleaze?" Stella asked. 

"Yes." Jordyn nodded. Before I could tell her to stop it, she turned to me and asked if we could talk in a more private area.

I agreed and we walked outside to where my trailer was. We stood outside of it and I said to Jordyn, "What you said in there was really uncalled for."

"It was true." 

"Jordyn, please." 

"Fine. I'm sorry." A deaf person could tell that her apology was fake. 

I pretended to be convinced, and I asked her, "So what did you want to talk to me about?"

She looked up and gave me a small smile. "I want to talk about us." 

"Go on." I said, gesturing for her to continue.

"Miles, I've liked you for quite some time now. I've tried to make moves on you and stuff, but you never seem to take the hint. So I'm being straightforward with you right now. I like you, how would you feel about going on a date with me?" She stopped smiling and her expression changed from sweet to anticipating.

It didn't take long for me to answer her question. I knew what I wanted.

"I think I would like that." I answered, flashing a quick smile.

I could see a smile playing at the edge of her lips. I only saw it for a second before she wrapped her arms around my neck, and I wrapped mine around her waist.

We stood there for a second before I made a move on her. I lifted her face with my hands and leaned into her. I pressed my lips against hers, and she didn't hesitate to kiss me back.

As I was kissing Jordyn, I saw a figure out of the corner of my eye. I looked to see who it was. I quickly realized who was standing there, and it was like I could vomit everywhere at any given second. I removed my lips from Jordyn's and stepped back, letting go of our embrace. 

"What are you-" She started, before she looked at me and saw that I was staring at someone. She turned to see the figure standing there, and a single word escaped her lips. "Oh."

Madelyn was standing right there. She heard and watched the whole thing. She looked heartbroken, and even betrayed. She watched all of that, without saying a word, and there was no taking anything back. 

Madelyn watched the whole fucking thing.

Madelyn's POV:

I just stood there and watched it all happen. I should've done something other than that. I should've interrupted them to avoid it happening. Or maybe I should've looked away. Maybe I should've just walked away. Any of those options would've been better than what actually happened.

Milo looked and saw me staring at them. He let go of Jordyn and Jordyn turned to see me.

"Oh." Jordyn said.

I didn't even try to hide the heartbroken look on my face. What could Jordyn have possibly done to get Milo to kiss her? 

"It should've been me." Was all I could think. 

Milo looked like he regretted the kiss. Or maybe he didn't actually regret the kiss, he just regretted the fact that he did it in front of me. 

I didn't even say anything to them before I turned to walk off. I tried to get the image of them kissing out of my head. 

Everything I tried to think of didn't work. I just went back to thinking about the two of them, and how Jordyn was probably better for him than I could ever be. Milo clearly knew what he wanted, and that was Jordyn.

He didn't want me.

If This Was A Movie [M. Manheim]Where stories live. Discover now