Pulling on a pink shoulder tie dress that was longer on the right side, I took a deep breath as I tied the straps into a bow and walked around the corner afterwards.

"You look beautiful!" Micka chirped loudly, I nodded my head and grabbed the shoes from Katelyn which were white open toe ankle strap heels and pulled them on, clipping the strap in place.

"Tell me about the guy" I grumbled unhappily as I grabbed a dainty white gold bracelet on and stopped when I seen the necklace Zane had gotten me sitting there.

Grabbing the necklace I used to wear, I clasped it around my neck and pulled on my rings before adding my perfume and my earrings to the look and turned around to face Micka.

"His name is Corbin. He works in the IT department at Theo's job and has heard a bit about you from Theo. He's thirty-two years old and loves to cook" I nodded my head.

"Okay. Let's get this over with" I mumbled, grabbing my purse and shoved a few things in my purse before walking out of my room with a sigh while Katelyn and Micka followed me.

"Try and give him a shot" Katelyn said, I just stared at her and she smiled but there was something else behind the smile that I couldn't seem to figure out right now.

Walking out the door, I heard Micka shout to go to Olive Garden and the reservation is under her name, I just nodded my head and unlocked my car and got in.

Okay I can totally do this.

-1 Hour Later-

I can't do this.

I hate this so much, it's been an hour since I got to the restaurant and met Corbin and all he's done is talk about himself or grimace whenever I'd bring up something I did.

Glancing around the restaurant, I noticed Garroth and Laurance on the opposite side of the restaurant talking too each other completely oblivious to the fact I was here.

"So Kawaii-Chan? Is your name really Kawaii-Chan or is it just a nickname?" I looked over at Corbin to see him eating some of the fried shrimp he ordered, that I hadn't touched.

I like fish but I hated fried shrimp and decided to play it off as I didn't want to fill up before our main dishes got here which he went along with and said nothing else.

"Nickname" I answered.

"Curious to know what your real name is now" He responded, I smiled fakely and moved around in the seat a little bit more and clasped my hands together on my lap.

"Shame you'll never know" He laughed, I just smiled and started looking around the restaurant once again when my eyes landed on something that had jealousy and angry bubbling up inside me.

Zane on a date with a redhead.

I couldn't help but stare at them together as they were talking but I refused to focus on what they were saying not wanting to hurt myself because of that.

From what I could see, the girl has pin straight bright red hair that is really pretty and is pale too but I can't tell what she completely looks like since her back is to me.

However she is wearing a sage green dress with matching sage green platform heels but that was all I seen and ended up focusing on Zane for the first time.

He's dressed in dark blue jeans and a black long sleeve button up with black boots, I just stared at him while nodding along to everything Corbin was saying once in a while.

Almost instantly Zane must've felt eyes on him and looked over, locking eyes with me and I quickly looked away and focused on Corbin in front of me.

"I have to go" I suddenly said, Corbin stopped talking and looked confused.

Zane⁓Chan OneshotsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя