{Am I Not Enough? Pt.2}

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I wasn't interested in hearing her talk about something stupid and just started looking around knowing better than to ever think that Kawaii-Chan would go home.

Stopping when my eyes landed on the open field, I looked a little closer and realized that Kawaii-Chan was sitting on the bench completely on her own with her head down.

I started walking in that direction however I remembered that Kova had done something to Kawaii-Chan's arm and made it bleed so I made a stop at my house to grab something to clean it up.

Making my way down the sidewalk, a drove past me a minute later and I knew it was the uber that Kova had gotten so at least she was leaving and wasn't trying to stay with Kawaii-Chan.

Not that Katelyn would let her, Katelyn already looked angry and murderous so I'm sure it would've led to an actual murder had Kova tried staying with them.

As I got closer to her, I could hear her quietly sobbing and curled up into a ball on the bench but when she heard me getting closer, the sobs stopped and she looked up.

"Zane-Kun? What are you doing here?" She asked, tears sliding down her face, I stared at her for a moment before held out her jacket and her purse to her.

"You left without any of your things and it's freezing out. I thought I'd bring you this and some stuff to clean up the cuts" I explained, she nodded her head and grabebd her coat and purse from me.

"Thank you" She whispered as she wiped the tears away and grabbed the stuff to clean her arm, shoving my hands into my pockets I watched her clean everything up and put the bandages on it.

"Do you want me to leave you alone?" I asked, she stared at me for a moment and shook her head.

"No" I nodded my head and walked over, sitting down next to her while she let out a sigh and pulled her jacket on, wrapping it tightly around herself for some warmth.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked, she shook her head.

"No" She mumbled, I nodded my head and just looked out ahead at everything instead of trying to convince her to talk to me about everything because she didn't want too.

We sat in silence with each other as she sniffled the odd time but soon the tears had stopped falling down her face and soon she let out a breath, pushing her hair over her shoulders.

"Where's my mom?" She asked quietly, I looked at her.

"She got an uber and is probably heading home" I answered, she just smiled sadly at me and then looked down at the ground for a moment and I could see tears starting again.

"Zane?" I looked back at her again.

"Yeah?" She looked up at me and I could see how upset she truly looked, she looked almost broken and my stomach turned at that, I didn't like her looking like that.

"Am I not enough?" She whispered, I felt sick now knowing that she thought she wasn't enough for anyone.

"Why would you ever think that?" I asked.

"Because my own mother doesn't love me. My siblings don't always speak to me unless they need something sometimes. Every guy that I've ever liked ends up leaving me for some reason or another. Or because they're too busy cheating on me to notice anything else. I'm not enough for them, so that doesn't really help" She explained quietly with her voice cracking.

"You were cheated on?" I asked, she nodded her head and smiled like it was still painful.

"Yeah. I was eighteen when it happened and it was my longest relationship of about a year when I walked in and found my ex boyfriend with my sister in-law Mara. She was Kenji's ex wife they had gotten married at nineteen, she was twenty-one years old at the time. Kenji divorced her and soon met Celina and ended up having Karla and have been married for the last eight years" She explained.

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