Chapter 19 - You look far too different

Start from the beginning

-"Pearl!" Grians voice called out to her.

She turned towards him.

He was in his Watcher form. His face had splashes of blood and one of his hands was so bloody it almost looked like he just dipped his hand in a bucket of red paint.

-"Oh thank god you're here! I need to get her away!" She cried out to him.

Pearl had to hold every instinct and want in her and put Fonnie first. They needed to get out of there.

-"Yes, of course!" Grian looked around for a bit before locking his eyes on an intact wall next to the three.

He lifted up his hand. A white glowing swirl circled his hand from the shoulder to wrist before finally turning into a proper orb of magic.

The wall was getting split into huge rock pieces by the same glowing magic.

A some form of passage was formed and Pearl barely saw the bit of light that shone through from the night sky and street lamps.

Grian looked at Pearl and spoke, "Go. You'll get out of this building safely. Backup is already on their way. I'll explain later. Go!"

Pearl threw a look at the newly formed passage then at Grian.

She breathed in a heavy breath and started helping Fonnie to get to the passage.

A few steps through the passage, Pearl looked over her shoulder at Grian.

He hadn't moved, still holding up rocks.

A distant shout came from somewhere behind him, startling the two villains.

Grian glaced back and then at Pearl. He moved his hand up a bit, then down. The passage was closed off on signal leaving Grian in that mostly destroyed room and the other two on their way up to the streets.

Pearl trusted Grian. If he thought he needed to stay behind then she wouldn't interfere no matter how stupid that was.

Turning her head back, Peael kept, kind of, carrying Fonnie out.

The passage wasn't the best for their situation. It was all rocky and steep, but it didn't matter, because it would get them out.

She was starting to calm down, but that was sadly interrupted by someone.

Right in front of them, blocking their way out, stood Mist. A one hell of an annoying hero.

-"You are not getting away so easily, Moonlit." The hero infront of them threatened spitting out Pearls villain name like a curse.

Mist took out a long and thin sword. There was an evil smirk on her face. If all Mist definitely couldn't have looked more like a villain than Pearl in this situation.

Pearl glanced at Fonnie. Her eyes were just thin lines. She was most definitely drifting from consciousness with every second that went by.

-"Not today, Fox!" Pearl matched her tone using a nickname that was given to the hero for being an artic fox hybrid and also a nasty bitch.

Pearl had only one choice in this situation. Magic.

She couldn't do anything else, she was far too tired and, even if that wasn't the case, she was the only thing supporting Fonnie.

Pearl moved her right wrist a bit in a way that she was still keeping Fonnie up.

A spark of energy lit up in Pearl and, almost as if known, Mist charged at the two girls.

Mist raised her sword and just when it was about to hit them Pearl cast out some sort of see-through shield that looked like shattered mirror parts put together.

Burning Wings - Scarian Hero/Villian Highschool AU Where stories live. Discover now