Alex can hold a grudge (mostly)

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New Yorkers knew many things about their vigilantes.

Spider-Man was always bright and kind. Flipping over buildings with a positive exclamation, waving down to people who walked past, helping anyone who needed it. New Yorkers also knew that Spider-man never killed. It was a strict part of his moral code. Despite all the years Spider-man kept his moral code strong, and they knew he was proud of that.

New Yorkers also knew a lot about Venom.

Venom was kind and bright, she would also wave around at people with a smile, she would crouch down for children so as not to scare them when she approached, she would take the time to walk someone home after a long night, overall Venom was kind… in her own way.

But unlike Spider-man, Venom was known to be more brutal with her fights. Criminals who ran into Venom would often have more bruises, broken bones, and overall injuries. Or if she thought the punishment fit the crime you could lose your life entirely. Though Venom had her own moral rules. Simple crimes such as theft didn’t warrant death. But rapists, pedophiles, weapons dealers, murders, abusers, and such did warrant death. At least in her eyes, and in the eyes of many other New Yorkers.

Venom even knew that you couldn’t stop crime. She knew you could lower it, but crime would never stop. So when drug dealers around New York caught wind of Venom dipping into the Crime Boss status, they questioned why she would insert herself into the very game she tried to take down.

But, after time it made sense. Venom would know who was selling, what they were selling, and where they were selling. She could keep track of the drug trade from first hand experience.

She kept it fair too -in her own way-. Her dealers got 60% of the money they made well Venom took the other 40%. Venom had her own rules, you get caught dealing to children, around school zones, cutting the drugs with things, stealing profit, and things like that, you wouldn’t work again, in fact most of the time you wouldn’t live.

So… in a way, it was fair.

But despite the differences, Spider-man and Venom could fully share one thing. And that was their protectiveness over their friends, allies, and territory. It was well known that the vigilantes were protective over the ones they viewed as friends.

When the newer Spider-man first started out he had gotten hit a little too hard in the head by a criminal. The dealer woke up in the hospital with a broken jaw and a note on his forehead ‘Heard Mc Donald’s was hiring, take a look into it :)’ . That particular dealer learned never to mess around with the vigilantes again.

So when Team Red had started more frequent team ups, New York knew that the group had bonded and knew that they had gotten closer over time.

So when Venom and Daredevil had teamed up to take control of a large weapons deal down at the shipping docks, no one was surprised at how the two could easily work together without the need to communicate.

The duo knew how eachother worked and they played off of that. Venom came from above, taking down each of the snipers as her cape fluttered behind her.

Daredevil worked from the ground as he put each guard into a choke hold and leaned them against the shipping containers.

The vigilantes were only spotted as one of the men let out a spit out warning over his radio as he was being choked out by Daredevil.

The remaining weapon dealers snapped to attention and pulled out their own firearms and started shooting at anything that moved too quickly.

So when one of the weapons dealers landed a punch to Daredevil's head that just happened to be right on the sweet spot of the helmet, Daredevil stumbled backwards with a grunt, that punch was quickly followed up with a gunshot.

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