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Peter frowned as he entered the Tower's common room, "Has anyone seen Alex? She hasn't been answering my texts, " he said as he looked around.

Loki, Bucky, Natasha, and Tony were all scattered around the main room with Loki on the couch with a book in his hands, Tony at the kitchen table looking over some form of blueprints, and Natsha and Bucky making some bread in the kitchen.

Bucky frowned as he thought for a moment, "No, I don't think so."

"Wouldn't she be at work by now?" Tony noted as he looked up from his papers.

Peter shook his head as he entered the kitchen area, "She has the day off."

Loki shrugged as he flipped a page, "Shame, work seems to be important for humans."

Natasha looked up from where she was whisking ingredients together, "Loki, what do you mean?" She narrowed her eyes.

Loki slowly looked up from his book and made eye contact with Natasha, "All I'm saying is that Alex values her work and it must be a shame to miss it… if only she could have prevented missing work"

Natasha set down her wisk, "Loki. What happened to Alex?" She asked sternly.

Loki smirked as he shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know what you're suggesting." he made eye contact with Natasha, and his eyes seemed to glow a bit greener.

Bucky, in turn, also set down his own things and crossed his arms, "Loki," he pressed.

Loki's grin widened as he closed his book and rested it on his lap, "I am the God of mischief after all. I just played a simple, harmless prank. "

Tony once again looked up from his work as Peter also took a step closer to the couch, "Loki I suggest you cough up where Alex is before Peter tries to fight you" Tony suggested as he pointed at Peter who was now partly glaring at Loki.

Loki huffed with an eye roll, "Alright, you take the fun out of everything," He muttered under his breath as he waved his hand through the air as green smoke drifted off his fingertips.

In a cloud of smoke, a cat appeared on the table that Tony was working at. The cat was black with white patterns around the eyes.

"See, she's perfectly fine," Loki waved at the cat.

The group looked between the cat and Loki, "Is that Alex!?" Peter shouted as he looked between the two.

"Of course, looks just like her," Loki smirked as he watched the cat hiss at him.

"That is not Alex!" Peter shouted with wide eyes. The cat shifted its weight back and lunged at Loki only for Peter to catch it mid-air.

Loki grinned as he watched the cat lunge at him, "Oh please, it acts just like her."

Peter cradled the cat in his arms, "Wait, this is Alex?" He realized with wide eyes.

"Obviously," Loki scoffed as he watched the cat version of Alex hiss at him.

"Loki! What did you do?!" Bucky shouted as he looked from the cat and over to Loki.

"She was annoying!" Loki defended himself.

"That doesn't mean you can turn her into a cat!" Natasha yelled at him as he motioned at Alex, or well, the cat.

Loki groaned as he rolled his head back, "Mortals are so… touchy."

"Turn her back!" Peter shouted at Loki as he scratched behind the cat's ear, who mowed in response

"She will turn back eventually," Loki waved off.

"Loki, turn her back, or I'm calling Thor," Tony threatened with a stern look.

Loki groaned and rested his head back on the couch before he turned back over to Peter, who was still holding onto the cat.

Loki waved his hand through the air, and with a cloud of green smoke, the cat morphed back into Alex. Peter stumbled a bit before he adjusted Alex in his arms.

"Loki you fuckin cunt!" Alex shouted at him as she settled in Peter's arms.

"You were being annoying!" Loki shouted back.

Alex rolled out of Peter's arms and lunged at Loki only for Peter to grab her by the waist and start to drag her out of the room, "Ok! Glad that's solved! I'm taking her out! Bye!" He shouted as he dragged a fighting Alex out of the room.

Tony watched as Peter dragged Alex out of the room, "Be happy they didn't try to punch you. Both of 'em can punch through concrete" He pointed out.

Loki only scoffed, "I'm a God, I'm much more durable than concrete" he said as he picked up his book and began to read again.

Tony rolled his eyes and focused back on his blueprints as Bucky and Natasha focused on their baking again.

Natasha eyed up Bucky's bowl of ingredients,  "You added too much flower" She pointed out.

"Ah fuck"


I have been watching to much loki so this is what you get



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