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Peter stood a few feet away from MJ with his arms rested defensively on his hips, “MJ! Come on!” He whined as he looked at her.

MJ shook her head as she looked at Peter with a glare, “Nope. Should have given me those homework answers”

“Please! Just go wash it off! I’m sorry!” He begged her as MJ sat proudly on top of Alex’s couch.

“Sorry, I can’t hear you over the sound of me almost missing that assignment” MJ crossed her arms as she looked at Peter.

“MJ, please! Just let me sit down!”


Alex grinned as her eyes flicked between the two. It was like a tennis match. Peter had failed to give MJ the answers for some homework, so MJ was retaliating by using hand sanitizer. Specifically, eucalyptus. And spiders don’t like eucalyptus. It’s not fatal or anything. But spiders just don’t like it.

“MJ! Please, I said I was sorry!” Peter begged again as he watched the shit eating grin on MJs face widen.

The door to Alex’s apartment opened, and Ned and Miles walked in, “Hey! Sorry we’re late!” Ned smiled as he entered the apartment.

Miles waved as he walked further into the apartment before pausing and looking around as he sniffed the room, “What’s that smell?” He asked with a frown.

“Eucalyptus” Alex answered as she looked at Miles, “MJ is mad at Peter, and Peters part spider, so with a quick google search we have a long list of things spiders dont like… but you’re also part spider so, it also would affect you” Alex explained as she looked between MJ, Peter, and Miles.

“The question is, will MJ wash it off for you, or keep her grudge against Peter?” Alex narrates as she looks between the three.

MJ looked at Miles for a moment before turning back to Peter with a glare. MJ grumbled something under her breath for a moment before she moved away from the couch and walked into the kitchen to wash her hands free of the hand sanitizer.

Peter grinned as he quickly made his way over to the couch and jumped on top of it. When MJ came back over, she flicked the water on Peter's face before sitting back down next to Alex.


Harry was lying upside down on Alex's couch as he scrolled through his phone, “You think I could buy a McDonald’s and my dad wouldn’t notice?” He asked aloud to no one in particular.

Alex thought for a moment before she looked over at Harry, “You mean the food or the restaurant chain?” She asked, resting her chin on MJs shoulder as her girlfriend was on her lap with a book in hand.

“The restaurant chain”

Peter shrugged as he looked up from his tinkering project and over at Harry, “I mean, probably not?” Peter answered with a scrunch of his nose, “Actually, yes, I think he would notice” he changed his answer before going back to the project he was hunched over on the floor making.

Ned nodded with an optimistic look on his face, “I think you could do it” he said before focusing back on his computer where he was typing away.

Miles shook his head from the back of the couch as he ran his hand over one of the chickens feathers, “But you can’t just buy it all at once, you would have to buy the products and pay the workers too” he pointed out.

“Damn it” Harry cursed as he frowned at his phone.


“Alex! Your friends can’t lurk here forever!” Ms," Chen yelled as she peaked her head around the corner from the small storage room.

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