Asgardian Mead

290 19 32

Big AL

Uh guys

How long does asgardian mead last for?

Petey Pie

Hypothetically of course

Big AL

Of course

Tiny Stink

I swear to FUCK if you two knuckle heads got drunk off of asgardian mead I will freak out


You two got drunk!?!?


You both are still 17, and asgardian mead can be dangerous.


How did you even acquire it?

Low key

Personally I think earth's legal drinking age is set far to old

#1 Doctor

You both should get to the Tower quick, despite being super powered, asgardian liquor can be dangerous if not taken by the right people


Loki, why would you give them alcohol

Low Key

I say let them explore, live and learn or whatever you say

Sammy Boi

Well it was nice knowing them well it lasted

Tiny Stink

Oh God

Alex, Peter go puke into a toilet or something

Big AL


Glad to know you have faith in us

Peter Pie

They didn't even hesitate

They just assumed WE drank it

Shame on you all


So you DIDN'T drink the mead?

Big AL


Peter Pie

Were not that stupid


Then why do you have it?

Big AL

One of our friends can't get drunk

Like physically can't

So we asked Loki for some of the asgardian shit

And he handed it over

Peter Pie

It was surprisingly easy

Big AL

It was

Anyways we gave like 1 or 12 mugs to our friend

And he got drunk

Which surprised us

Peter Pie

And because he physically can't get drunk

He hasn't actually been drunk in a while

So now we're trying to make sure no one dies

#1 Doctor

How can he not get drunk?

Peter Pie

Healing factor

Like a really good one

Like can regrow an arm in a day

Sammy Boi

How many people do you know with healing factors?

Big AL

Way to many

Peter Pie

But back to the problem at hand

How long do you think it could last for

Ya know, the drunk thing??


I would say a few more hours

Low key

I agree

If the healing factor is that good it shouldn't last long

Peter Pie


Big AL

Yeah the cocaine probably didn't help much either

Doesn't actually affect him

But still

Hawk Butt

How did you get cocaine!?

Big AL

We know a few guys


A few??

Peter Pie

Uh huh

But the stuff he took was already his

Big AL

Anyways now we gotta go before he finds his katanas

Peter Pie

It's been going surprisingly well so far

Oh now he's crying 


Their talking about Wade btw

Oh wow look at me updating again

I have so many pre made chapters I need to start clearing them out, so you get these updates for a bit 

So yippee

Anyways have a good day!

-The Author

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