Stranger things 4

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Alex groaned as she woke up, this time she was in a boat shed... Or something like that, with her arms and legs bound. By no means were the ties good and she could practically break out of them in seconds, but the person lurking in the shadows (which seemed to he the whole area due to how dark it was) in front of her made her pause for a moment.

She tilted her head and looked at the person, "Uh howdy?"

The person walked out of the shadows slightly and Alex could see that it was a man with dark hair, black jeans, a ripped-up jean jacket, and most importantly a boat ore held in front of him.

"How the hell did you find this place?" He asked, pointing the ore at her.

"Whatever happened to hello? How are you?" Alex asked, rolling her eyes.

The ore was right in front of her face now, "I don't want to ask again"

Alex rolled her eyes and mocked him, "Someone watched too many movies, if you wanna interrogate someone check for knives first" She smirked as she felt the rope drop around her. Alex jumped to her feet and held the knife in front of her, "Knife beats ore"

The man was stunned before he brought the ore up ready to swing at Alex, unlucky for him Alex dropped her knife that was in her hands and reached up to grab the ore out of his hands to point it at him.

His eyes darted around before he tried to make a run for the door, Alex stuck the ore under his legs making him trip and land on his face.

When he flipped over he was met with the ore to his throat and Alex standing over him, "Where am I?" Alex asked shortly.

He looked between the ore and Alex before answering, "You know this isn't the worst possible scenario" He said with a poorly timed chuckle.

Alex pressed the ore harder against his throat making him choke a bit before she talked, "I asked a simple question and now I have the ore to your throat. You should answer it," She snapped.

"The boat house!" he rasped out as Alex took the weight off the ore so he could speak, "Please I didn't kill her! It wasn't me! Just let me go!"

"I'm sorry who did you kill?" Alex asked puzzled.

"I just said I didn't kill her! Something else did! It wasn't me!" He cried out.

"The fuck do you mean?" She asked, pressing the ore tighter against his throat.

Suddenly the door burst open to reveal 4 different people, they took in the scene of Alex holding the ore against the man's throat before they moved into action. The taller one ran into Alex and pushed her off of the man tackling her into the floor.

For a moment Alex was pinned to the floor before she used her weight to flip over until she was on top of the person with her hands around his throat. With his hands pinned to his side by Alex's legs he really couldn't move or breathe at the moment. But a rush of air flew into his lungs as the person let go of his throat, "Steve? Fuck man is that you?" Alex asked.

Upon closer inspection Alex could in fact tell that this was the one and only Steve Harrington. She looked around the room to see Dustin and Max standing in the corner with a new girl she hadn't seen before and the other dark haired man.

Dustin moved forward first, "Holy shit, Alex? What the hell are you doing here?" He asked.

"Strangling Steve" She motioned down at him. Alex stood up and looked down at Steve, "Sorry about that" Alex said sheepishly as she reached a hand down and pulled him up.

Steve rubbed a hand at his throat, "Remind me never to fight you again"

Alex patted his shoulder as she looked around, "Hi Max" She waved at the girl who waved back and stepped forward, "You always like to make an entrance like this?"

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