Stranger things 2

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After a long few days of monster hunting, shutting a gate to another dimension, possession, and more the town of Hawkins Indiana could finally rest.

The group had just decided to spend the night at the Byers house seeing as how no one wanted to leave each other just yet. The papers in the living room had mostly been cleaned up and pushed aside to make room for pillows and blankets, the couch had been pushed back to its place, most of the blood had been swept up, and the broken windows had been boarded up, and most importantly food and water had been passed out.

Most of the kids were sitting in a circle recalling the dramatic stories of how the night went down. The teens were in another corner of the room watching the TV they managed to save (for the most part). And the two remaining adults were standing in the kitchen by an open window as they smoked and ate their respective snacks.

Overall the house was quiet in its own way. That was until a loud thud came from down the hallway. Everyone seemed to quiet down and wait for something to happen.

Hopper was the first to respond by grabbing his gun and walking down the hallway with it raised.

The noise seemed to come from Wills room so when Hopper opened the door to see a girl laying in a pool of her own blood unconscious he looked around confused.

"Joyce" He called, "Come look at this" in response not only Joyce came running but so did the other kids. Nosey fucks.

He stood in their path and allowed Joyce to sneak past to look inside the room, "Holy shit" her hand rose to her mouth, "Hop who is this? How did she get in?"

"I don't know, was the window open?"

Joyce shook her head, "They were all locked from the inside"

Hopper slowly put his gun away, "What do we do- Mike don't you dare" He aimed the last part at Mike who was trying to sneak around.

Seeing as his attention moved to Mike for that second he didn't notice Will slipping past.

Will took in the sight of his bedroom floor. In the middle of the room was a girl sprawled across the floor with blood leaking out from three long cuts on her face. But it wasn't any normal girl, he recognized the leather jacket, the cut up band t-shirt, and just her overall.

It was Alex, there was no mistaking it.

Will pushed past his mom and knelt down by Alex's side. "It's Alex! Mom please you have to help her"

"Will this isn't Alex, she isnt-"

"I don't care what the doctors said! I didn't make her up, this is her and she's hurt. Please just help her" He begged.

Joyce thought for a moment before sighing, "Alright, Hop help carry her into the bathroom I'll clean her up there. Kids back up or your sleeping outside"

The kids all backed up to give them all space as Hopper moved to pick Alex up. He threw her over his shoulder as he moved her into the bathroom, he laid her down in the bathtub and stepped aside to give Joyce room.

Everyone watched Joyce work as she stopped the bleeding and cleaned up the large wounds.


30 minutes later Alex was laying in the tub with bandages wrapped around her face and bandages covering scratches on her back. Her jacket had been removed and laid aside along with the knife Joyce found in her pocket.

Now the group sat down with Will in the interrogation seat. "So let's get this straight, Alex is the girl who was with you in the upsidedown, she is from another universe and has comic book powers, you split up and never heard from her again until now. But we all thought she wasn't real because the doctors said you created something to help cope with the trauma" Hopper summed up.

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