Magic Breakout

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The team was currently in a meeting as they focused at the head of the table where Fury was talking as he pointed to the large screen at his side, "-Can see that energy points along earth's exosphere have been appearing more frequently, we will either be contacting the Guardians to scout out the area and sending a team out" Fury said as he pointed along the diagram.

The team nodded along as they listened, "Who will be on the mission?" Steve asked.

"Undecided yet. Many things are being taken into consideration for the mission. You will be notified if you are on the team for this mission. " Fury nodded as he looked back at the team.

Natasha spoke next, "What are the qualifications?" She asked as she set her pen down from where she was doodling along Clint's arm.

"Generally how well you would be able to handle space travel," Fury shrugged before clicking to the next slide.

"Stark has been working on a ship that will be able to handle the trip -"

"You're welcome by the way," Tony cut off with a grin.

Fury sighed, "Yes, very good. The team that is chosen will try to track down the cause of the energy spikes and will then report back. The mission won't be for a while, but be prepared, and you all will be given specific training schedules to prepare, " Fury explained as he motioned to the screen and back to everyone else.

"How long until the mission?" Clint asked as he felt Natasha restart her drawings.

"When I tell you it is," Fury responded, the man was about to say something else but was swiftly cut off by FRIDAYS voice.

"Boss, it seems that Venom is making her way to the meeting room at this moment." FRIDAY notified the group.

Tony waved his hand through the air, "Tell her to wait, we're in a meeting now" He instructed.

"I did, she didn't listen. Venom also seems pretty angry, with what I do not know. But with the way she walking her anger seems to be directed at someone in the room" FRIDAY informed them.

"Who pissed her off now?" Bucky asked as he looked around the room with an accusing look.

Sam raised his hands in defense as he leaned back into his chair,  "Wasn't me"

Tony turned to look up at the ceiling, "How pissed off are we talking?" He asked.

"Venom looked to be in a fight, she has a gun in her hand, it is almost empty but the safety is off" FRIDAY said after a moment of observing Alex.

"Oh that's gonna go great" Sam rolled his eyes as the group could hear shouting outside the door.

"Open the door!" Alex shouted as she tried to open the door.

"Not until you put your gun away" FRIDAY insisted as she kept the door locked.

They didn't hear Alex respond verbally, but she did respond with two sharp and loud gunshots to the handle of the door. The action made the team's eyes widen and duck away slightly.

With a swift kick to the door it fell down to the floor with a loud thud. Alex walked over the door and into the meeting room with the gun held tight in her hand.

Her suit and face was covered in a layer of dirt, dust, burns, and an occasional patch of blood. There was a large dark bruise forming around the right side of her face and creeping up from under her suit. The glow of the mask's eyes seemed duller in the light as Alex glared at the team.

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