Soul world

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Third person, Alex POV

Alex's body hurt like a bitch. Her head was throbbing and it made her eyes water. She lay on the ground as her brain slowly let her fully focus. She whipped her eyes and slowly looked around, everything was orange, not too obnoxious it looked more like a sunset... But everything was orange. Even the ground.

She was still alive...or this was death coming to collect her. Who knows?

As Alex turned her head to the side she could see two people off in the distance slowly walking closer. Alex pushed all her feelings aside as she slowly and painfully made her way onto her knees.

It took her eyes a moment longer to adjust than she would have liked but she could see the outlines of a man and a woman walking closer to her. Now only 10 feet away she could faintly recognize the people.

They looked like her parents.

The couple were now close enough for Alex to make out all the details in the faces, and if Alex knew one thing it would be that the two people in front of her were her parents.

"Mom, Dad?" She questioned, tilting her head slightly.

"Alex?" Ah yeah, despite the brain injury Alex could easily recognize her mothers voice.

"Is this even real?" Alex asked stunned.

"Yes honey" Her Fathers voice responded. It had been 5 years since their death but somehow Alex knew that they still sounded and looked the exact same.

Her mom had long brown hair, bright blue eyes, and seemed to be wearing a pair of jeans and a long pull over. Her dad had short dark brown hair, with a short beard, green eyes, he was in a pair of dark jeans and a big red flannel. Alex recognized that flannel, it had been her father's favorite. It was in her closet, she never wore it out of the house in fear of damaging it.

Her parents kelt down by her side to be closer to her and her dad rested a hand on her shoulder, "Your home sweetheart"

That was enough to break Alex, she could feel the tears spill from her eyes within seconds of the words leaving his lips. After all these years few words from her dads lips and she was already crying.

But Alex didn't care, she pulled her parents in closer and held them tight against her gripping the backs of their shirts too ground herself against them. Alex could feel her moms hand run along her back as she pulled her daughter closer.

After a long moment they pulled back from the hug and Alex whipped her eyes and asked the question she had been thinking about. "Does this mean I'm fully dead?"

Her mom shook her head, "Fully dead? How else would you be seeing us?"

Alex paused before humming to herself, "I guess it worked"

Her dad looked at her confused, "What worked?"

Deciding not to tell her parents how she just willingly jumped off a cliff she waved her hand dismissively, "Nothing important, I'm just happy to see you again" she smiled.

Her mom nodded, "We're just sad to see you so soon" she said with a sad look.

Alex's smile faltered for a moment before she continued, "If everything goes to plan I won't be dead for long"

"To plan? I feel like we missed a lot" he dad said looking her over.

Alex nodded, "Lots have happened in the past 5 years" 

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