Friends again

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There were pounding footsteps leading up to the room Alex was in, loud voices matched with the steps as they stopped at the door.

Alex shot up in her bed and looked at the door with anticipation. The rest of the group had taken a few steps away from the door to allow more room.

Tony opened the door, and 4 teenagers rushed through. Peter, MJ, Ned, and Miles stared back at Alex. No one moved for a moment before Peter spoke up, "Is that?" He asked slowly.

Bruce nodded, "It's Alex. For real, " He confirmed.

The group barreled at Alex and attacked her in a large hug. It was a miracle they all managed to fit on the bed at once.

The team could hear Alex crying in the middle of the pile, they slowly peeled off of her to individually hug her (Or I'm MJs kiss pull her into a long kiss) Alex wiped another round of tears from her eyes as she smiled, "You'll never know how happy I am to see you" She smiled, tears still dripping out of her eyes.

"We have a quick surprise, though!" Ned smiled, rocking back and forth on his heels.

Alex cleared her eyes and tilted her head, "What do you mean?"

"Come on in!" Ned called out.

Alex was confused but soon found herself picking her jaw off the floor as Harry Osbourn stepped out from around the corner and into the room.

"Harry?!" Alex shouted with her eyes wide.

"Surprise," Harry smiled lightly.

Alex's smile was wider than it had been in a while as she pulled Harry in for a hug. She hadn't seen him for a few years. Far too long in her opinion.

"How've you been?" Alex asked excitedly.

"How have I been? How have you been?" He asked back, motioning at her scared body.

"Bear fight, surprisingly enough I won," She joked. "Alex had to remember Harry didn't know yet. It pained her that she had to lie to a friend again. But it was for the best.

"I'm glad you're ok," Harry smiled, Alex smiled back as she felt the weight shift on the bed again.

Alex moved over as MJ squeezed in by her side, MJ wrapped an arm around her waist and squeezed slightly.

Peter and Ned had crawled onto the bed by Alex's feet and sat with their legs tucked up.

Miles had dragged up a chair and set it close by Alex's bed, Harry did the same.

"So when did you get back, Harry?" Alex asked.

"A few months ago, I got your Christmas present, by the way." He shrugged.

"I MISSED CHRISTMAS!!" Alex shouted with wide eyes.

"It's January."

"God fucking damnit!" The pets perked up at the shouting, "I'm hurting people"

"It's just Christmas, there is more to come," Peter eased her.

"You don't get it! I was going to see Santa!"

"Who's gonna tell her?" Miles asked.

"Alex. Santa isn't real"

"I'm not listening to non-believers," Alex crossed her arms, "Santa's real and he has swords, and tattoos, and is Russian. I will stand by that until I die"

"I think she has brain damage"

"The FBI said I was fine"

"The FBI?!"

The Adventures Of VenomOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora