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The Team had made progress, but it wasn't enough to find Alex. It had been around 3 weeks since she disappeared and they still hadn't found a trace of where she could be, they could tell you where she wasn't but not where she was.

Tony walked through the door of the lab, "Brucie tell me you have something new"

Bruce looked up from the sheets of paper he was looking at, "I do. Strange got back to me after looking over Magic Man and he told me that he wasn't from the sanctum, so we can cross off rogue sorcerers"

"Great, now we can add to the list of things that Magic man isn't. We need the things he is" Tony stressed the word is.

"I'm getting there. I was able to clear up the footage from the moment Alex disappeared and after running it through a thousand databases I was able to come up with an idea of what officially happened" Bruce said as he moved around the table and pulled up a hologram video.

"This is the moment after she passed out"

They watched as the glow brightened around Alex's body and just as she disappeared the video was paused. Bruce walked up closer to the hologram and pointed at Alex, "See right here, her body didn't just disappear whole, it's like it dissolved or was pulled apart"

"Dissolved?" Tony said as he looked closer at the body. Upon closer inspection you could see that Alex's body looked to be fading away in small pieces, "So what does that give us?"

"Well if I'm able to get a reading of those particles I could see if I can trace them to another area. And that could lead us to Magic Mans source or to where Alex ended up"

"And how do we do that?" Tony asked, "It's been a few weeks since she disappeared all the traces would be gone by now"

Bruce nodded, "I figured that, so my idea was to call in Stephen to see if he could do some magic and pull up some traces "

Tony scoffed, "Have fun trying to get the wizard to help, he's stubborn like that"

"I'm sure he would help, he respects Alex". Bruce said as he shuffled through papers.

"Why? It's Alex, I don't think I've ever seen her respect any adult so how would he respect her?"

"Because Alex is one of the few people to actually call him Dr. Strange" Bruce said as he slipped off his lab coat and headed to the door.

"Well he is a wizard- hey don't leave I'm still talking" He called after Bruce who was halfway out the door.


"So explain why we can't just reverse time and bring Alex back?" Tony asked again.

"For the millionth time" Dr. Strange sighed, "Time is a very fragile thing and if we take Alex out from that timeline it will create a branch in time and could collapse reality"

"What if we borrowed her for a while?"

"Each timeline she is in needs to have a version of Alex, if we take her out of that timeline it will collapse. That is why we need to find our version of Alex to stabilize time again" Dr. Strange explained once again.


"Stark if you want to be in the room well I do the spell you would drop the questions" Dr. Strange snapped.

Tony groaned, "Fine"

Dr. Strange turned to Bruce, "Once I rewind time you will need to collect the particles in this container" he said handing Bruce a jar that glowed a faint orange, "I've enchanted it to be able to hold the particles but as soon as you gather the particles you need to close it tight" he instructed.

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