I've seen Stranger things

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Alex groaned as she spit a leaf out of her mouth. She raised her hand to her face and brushed the rest of the leaves out of her face.

"Oh this is just wonderful" Alex groaned again as she sat up.

Once she could actually see she took in her surroundings. Trees were everywhere with dark vines filling the ground. It looked as if it was night seeing how dark it was. Despite it looking like night there was a deep red sky above.

Deep down Alex knew this place wasn't normal, the vines seemed too alive, the world looked too dark, something was telling her that she was in danger. Also the red fucking sky was a big put off.

Slowly Alex rose to her feet using a tree for support. She looked around again and noticed that this time no one was around the area.

Though there was what looked to be a house far off in the distance. Guess Alex knew where she was headed.

One foot after the other she made her way towards the house. The house looked to oonly be one story with a neutral paint job.

Alex did try to look through the windows before she entered but it was too dark so she wasn't able to see inside. Deciding to take a chance Alex tried the front door, surprisingly enough it was unlocked so she was able to just walk through.

The inside looked like a classic family home with a couch in the middle of the room with a dining room connected to the kitchen. Down the hallway there were 4 doors.

Slowly Alex made her way down the hallway making sure to look around so she wouldn't trip on the vines that wrapped around the house.

Alex froze in her spot as one of the doors opened. Out of the door poked the tip of a shotgun followed by the body of a kid. He had a brown vest on with a flannel underneath, a pair of jeans, and brown hair that was shaped into a bowl cut.

The gun shook slightly in his hands but he kept it raised and pointed at Alex. Naturally, Alex raised both of her hands in defense, "Whoa buddy. Didn't mean to spook you" She said.

"How did you get here?" He asked.

Alex Shrugged slightly, "I Just woke up in the forest and saw this house, then made my way to it"

"How long have you been here?" he asked, narrowing his eyes.

"Dunno, 5-10 minutes. I wasn't really counting"

The kid paused before asking his question, "Did you see one of the things?"

If there were some demons floating outside Alex was gonna nope out of this place, "Don't think I saw anything else"

"...you sure?" he asked.

Alex nodded once again, "Pretty sure"

The boy held the gun up a moment longer before lowering it to his side, "What's your name?"

"Alex," she said slowly lowering her hands, "What's yours?" she asked back.

The boy looked to consider telling her his name for a moment but answered, "I'm Will"

"Nice name" Alex complimented, "Whatcha doing out here?" she asked.

Wills's shoulders slumped as he answered, "I was taken"

"By what?"

"One of the monsters"

Alex only nodded as she looked around again, "You're alone" Alex stated.

"Yeah, you sure you didn't see one of the monsters? They like to hide"

"Pretty sure" Alex repeated, "I like to think I'm aware of my surroundings"

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