The Lake who loved the Ocean

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There is no rhyme or reason,
Behind feeling lost or sad,
Between missing what's been broken,
And grieving what you never had.

For the lake doesn't miss the ocean,
The Earth cannot touch the sky,
I shouldn't be seeing you in sunsets,
Since I've not yet learned how to fly.

The problem at hand is simple,
How do I learn to forget?
Because loving you has become apart of me,
To destroy that you'd abet.

I've tried to sit patiently with myself,
Though hunger pangs and tired eyes,
I've stayed up nights and slept through days
Until i've found I have nothing left of me to criticize,

I hate that I can't let you go,
I hate how I know I've tried,
I hate how if it weren't for you,
I would have already died.

I hate how you cause so much pain,
I hate how it's not your fault,
I hate how I need your presence,
For without it the ache exalts.

Although I know it is not you I hate
I know that I should have changed.
I am the lake who loved the ocean,
And the fire who burned, but never raged.

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