Chapter 21: Lena

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"Sam, may I speak to you in my office?" I asked, planting my hands on the boardroom desk as the marketing department filed out. I did my best to ignore the way her brow arched or that one of the team members glanced back over their shoulder like they wanted to listen in.

"Of course. You wanna do that now or some time later?"

"I have some free time now if that's okay with you."

"Now's great."

We walked side-by-side down the hallway. I could practically feel Sam's gaze on the side of my head, which did nothing to calm the anxiety creeping up my spine. I held open my office door and waved her through.

"So, gonna spill the beans on why you're being kinda cryptic?" She slumped down on the couch, arm stretched out on the backrest.

"I invited Kara to be my date to the New Year's Eve party." I said it so fast that I was even shocked. All I knew was that it had to come out. The words and the feelings had been pounding around in my head for nearly three days, amping me up with what if's. I wasn't ashamed of Kara. If anything, who wouldn't want to show up with her anywhere? She was gorgeous, kind and smart. She was funny. She lit up a room without even trying.

"Congratulations! About time you brought her around. You guys sneak around enough for three people."

"Cunt off motherfucker." I flipped her the bird as I paced in front of my desk, which only succeeded in making Sam laugh.

"My little Irish princess... So scary." She pretended to growl, teeth exposed. "Truly though, I'm happy for you. I take it things are going good then?"

I nodded, and sat down next to Sam. "Yeah. Yeah, it really is. She's kind and considerate. She doesn't push me around or seem to want me for my money. Hell, I have to put up a fight to pay for things."

"I told you not everyone is in it for your money."

"Well, you have to admit that statistically speaking, the chances are pretty high when it comes to people out for my money or some sorta status." I flipped my hand carelessly. The last thing I wanted to listen to was Sam's unvoiced 'I told you so's'.

Sam pulled on the end of my ponytail enough to tug at my scalp. "Stop holding your past over that poor girl's head. Give her a solid chance."

"I am. I actually am. I'm just... I'm nervous."


"You know how it is. People follow me around. People shoot at me, Sam. Shoot! I'm scared of exposing her to it. That's been the problem from the very start, and up until now, we've been in our own bubble. Bringing her to the party is the first step to opening her up for something that could be dangerous. So, yes, I'm nervous. I'm logical."

Sam wrapped her arm around my shoulder, pulling my head down to rest on her. "Look, I can't change the past, but you are going to be in the building. There's security everywhere now. It's a safer environment, and I'll be there the whole time. Everyone will keep you safe. Both of you."

I drew in a deep breath and then another until my heart rate settled. "Can you do me a favor?"


"Don't embarrass me in front of her."

Sam snorted. "That's what you're worried about? Oh, girl, I'm gonna embarrass the living shit out of you. I'll bring in pictures and everything."

"Asshole! I can have security confiscate your phone at the front door."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like I need a phone to embarrass you at this point. I'll draw her a picture or something. We have pens and napkins."

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