Chapter 8: Lena

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I shuffled slightly, eyes trained on my feet. I wasn't entirely sure why I was standing on Sam's doorstep at nearly 11:30 at night. It probably didn't help that I hadn't called beforehand to give her a head's up.

"I'm sorry..."

"Come on hun. I'll fix some tea." Sam stepped back to let me into the house.

Most of the lights were turned off with the exception of the TV in the living room and a dim light further down the hallway in the kitchen. Everything smelled like cinnamon. Where my home was sterile, Sam's was warm and welcoming – lived in.

Silence followed us into the kitchen where Sam began filling an electric kettle with water. I sat at the bar, hands tucked between my knees. I was still wearing my work clothes and the chill from the chair cut into the exposed flesh of the back of my thighs.

A few minutes later, a large mug was set in front of me. Sam took up her post against the other side of the bar, hip cocked to the side as she leaned in on her elbows. Still, silence persisted. Sam was letting me come to her, but for the first time, knowing it was my move, made the whole instance harder.

"I need advice."

"I'm all ears."

I drew in a shaky breath. "I had... am? I don't know. Fuck. I've been talking to someone."

"I know that. What? I'm not dumb, Lee. I've known you for way too long to pretend I don't know when you're interested in someone." She raised her mug to her lips. "You're not as sneaky as you think you are."

"Fine. Anyway, I've been..." I pinch my eyes closed. "There are some things I'm not ready to explain. God, this was a mistake..."

"Look, you don't have to tell me anything you're not ready to, but please know, I'm never going to judge you. I've never judged you for anything, and I was there that night you got wasted and vomited in that woman's Hermes bag."

"I apologized! And I paid for it!"

"You didn't even know her, Lee!" Sam let out a belly laugh. "I thought she was gonna kill you!"

"And this is why I don't drink tequila anymore." I shook my head. "This is all besides the point. I've been talking to... I've been talking to someone who can get me in trouble."

Sam tilted her head slightly. "Define trouble."

"She... she's a–"

"Is it that reporter?"

"Fuck, Samantha!"

"Like I said, honey. You're not as discrete as you think you are." She shrugged and took another sip, clearly amused with herself.

"Does everyone know?"

"No. I think most people are afraid to ask or pay attention. Besides, I do pay attention. I saw her leaving your office earlier."

"Yeah... About that..." I rubbed at my face, my eyes burning from exhaustion. "I fucked up. I think. I don't know. It feels like it."

"What did you do?"

"She... Well, I met her before she came in for the interview. I just didn't know it."

"Uh, okay? How did you not know it?"

"It was a... this is where this is going to get complicated. Bear with me... So, I met her on a very specific board where people don't tend to disclose their real names and we were getting along really well. Like, really well. I enjoy talking to her and she makes me feel safe. I don't know how to explain it."

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