Chapter 1: Lena

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AN: I wanted to take a moment and let everyone know that this builds slowly. There will be no jumping straight into things. Yes, Lena is aware of the fact that she's a little and regresses to some degree on her own. Everything else is going to develop slowly. Otherwise, please enjoy! 

PS: It has come to my attention that I must reiterate that this is a little/caregiver fic. If you do not like this content, take yourself elsewhere. Won't hurt my feelings. Just because there's a food you don't like at the buffet, doesn't mean you're required to eat it. I will block hate comments and that reader. People who are here for the content because they want that dynamic, are a part of the lifestyle, or are open-minded are welcome to stay and enjoy, but shouldn't have to be belittled. Thank you.

"You doin' alright?"

"Huh?" I jerked up from where I had been staring through the spreadsheet on my monitor for the better part of an hour. Not at any point had the information sunk into my brain. If anything, my brain had wandered off without asking permission.

Sam Arias stood just inside of my office, leaning on the wall. It was hard to tell how long she had been standing there, but knowing Sam, it had been long enough to warrant interrupting me. She never did that.

"I asked if you were doing okay. You've been kinda off the last few days." She crossed to perch on the edge of the white couch, unbuttoning her navy blue blazer.

"Oh..." I slumped back in my chair, letting it lean slightly under my weight. Had I been off? I worked really hard to not let my emotions work their way into L Corp. There was a time and place for those things and while running a multibillion dollar company was not one of them. "Yeah, absolutely."

Sam arched an eyebrow and leaned back against the couch, stretching an arm across the back. She didn't press any further, but I knew the conversation was far from over. It would no doubt find its way back into rotation in the next few days if I didn't either stop doing whatever tipped her off in the first place or brought the problem up myself.

I shifted my attention to the pile of folders on the edge of my desk, perfectly aligned and pulled out the one I needed for Sam. "Here's that report back. Numbers look good. I do need you to double check the London office. They look too neat in my opinion. I haven't gone out there to scare them straight in a while."

"That's on my to do list." She wove her way around the glass coffee table and took the folder. I watched closely as she sank down in one of the chairs in front of my desk and flipped through the pages. "I'll get these submitted tonight."

"No rush. Just because I live here doesn't mean you should."

"If you want me to go home, you sorta have to go home too." She shrugged.

I fought the urge to roll my eyes. "I'm the boss. This is kinda my job."

"And? Come eat dinner with me and Ruby. We're having tacos." She nodded towards the door. "She'd love if you came over."

With one final glance at my computer, I knew that I wouldn't be getting anymore work done. I hadn't gotten anything done prior to Sam coming in either. "Alright. Let me get my jacket."

Sam smiled broadly and crossed to grab my wool jacket and scarf off the coat rack near the door. I did roll my eyes then, taking my belongings and slipping my arms into the coat. "I can get my own things."

"Oh, I know, but I'm not taking any chances of you bolting," she chuckled, holding the door open for me. "Now, get your cute ass walkin'."

I shook my head and wrapped my red scarf around my neck. It clashed with the maroon suit I had worn to work, but it was the warmest one I owned and my body wasn't very accepting of the cold. Sam ducked into the office next to mine and threw the folder in onto the shelf by the door before locking it behind her.

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