Chapter 14: Lena

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Going back to being alone after two days with Kara had been harder than I anticipated. I found myself missing her almost constantly, which did little to make life easier at work. It didn't help that a trash rag of a magazine stating I was planning a mass lay off to throw people into a tailspin. Not only had staff started to bristle, but it had found its way into mainstream news. I barely left the office that first day, drafting up statements and sending out company wide memos to help stave off the impending riot that was bound to happen at some point. It felt like a slap to the face. How bad had I been for my employees to believe NC News over me? I was painfully transparent about numbers within the company. We weren't hurting for money. At least not in a way that would merit cutting ties with half my staff.

The next day I had released a public statement, on camera, much to my chagrin, setting the story straight and turned my lawyers loose on the idiots at NC News for defamation. They were nearly frothing at the mouth.

Kara had been there every step of the way, even stepping in to get formal statements in her best effort to put some positive news out in correlation with my press release. I hadn't seen her since Monday evening when she had finally gone home, but it felt good to know she was still there. She sat with me on the phone Wednesday evening after the mass of what could be done had been done, letting me grumble and whine as I sat at my desk at home. My regular duties had been shifted to the back burners and were now boiling over. If it wasn't for her, I probably wouldn't have remembered to eat or even tried to sleep. She would let me have my way until midnight before putting her foot down and sending me off to get in the shower and get ready for bed. Never once did she sound condescending, which I appreciated. She simply directed and I followed. I wanted to be good for her. Not that I would tell her, but I loved when she told me I was a good girl. Even in the worst of moods, I would smile uncontrollably.

Lena Luthor: Dats too many days!

Kara Danvers: Bug, it's only 1 lol. 1 sleep and I'll be at your house.

Lena Luthor: Buh why? 🙁

Kara Danvers: Because we agreed on one day a week until you felt more comfortable. I don't want to stress you out.

Lena Luthor: Buh yu com'did 2 times las time

Kara Danvers: Is someone needy right now honey?

Lena Luthor: Nu...

Kara Danvers: Are you sure?

Lena Luthor: Nu... 🙁

Kara Danvers: You want Mommy to come over?

Lena Luthor: Yesh... I pwomise to be good and let'chu sweeps.

Kara Danvers: Are you going to leave the office before 6?

Lena Luthor: I leabs righ now!

It didn't matter that it wasn't even 4:30pm and that Kara would no doubt be at my front door before noon the next morning as planned. I wanted to be home. I wanted to bury my face in her neck and be held. Where I had expected most of my behaviors to come with a level of shame and embarrassment, she made them easier. She didn't rush me into anything. If anything, she made it all feel like slipping into a warm bath one step at a time rather than all at once. Even when shame would rear its ugly head, she seemed to know one step ahead and reroute my mangled mess of a brain.

Kara Danvers: Oh, someone really misses their mommy.

Lena Luthor: mhmm

Kara Danvers: Alright honey. I'll be over after I get some stuff from my house. Your surprise came 🙂

A Little Bit of SunshineTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang