Cameras flashed everywhere as Shota sat behind the wheel, driving away.

Katsuki held Elena's hand the whole way, and for the first time ever, she didn't feel that small anxiety pumping at her chest.


Elena studied, and studied. She didn't have to worry about Junichiro no more. They would be notified about his death the day of the sentence...November 30th.

Therefore, Elena was finally calm enough to study effectively. Katsuki helped her study for the first final. And she was doing splendidly.

She had practically memorized and understood everything without a problem. After all, she had studied ruthlessly before the summer, and afterwards.


November came, and the news about Junichiro's death made the news that day, but not the way they wanted.

"Junichiro Yuuji has passed away. The police are still investigating the cause of death, but people believe he was killed by other inmates during the night. But why, why would they do such a thing a day before his death sentence? I'm Ayaka Himigi and..."

Elena stared at the screen, her head all over the place. "Hey, are you okay?" Jiro asked, sitting down beside her on the couch. "Yeah I'm okay. Just in disbelief that it's over." She sighed, a hand over her face.

Kyoka and Mina hugged her, putting her head. The whole class were in the common room, hearing the news. Katsuki sat on one of the couches, talking with Hitoshi. He and Elena had heard the news briefly that morning so he had time to talk to her about it. But as it came up again, she still seemed in disbelief.

"I mean, at least it's over."


Elena's finals came, first off was the practical exam. The whole class would be in the monitor room, watching the practical exam take place. And Elena didn't even know who she was fighting.
She'd find out once it was called out in the speakers. She walked through Ground Beta, waiting for it to start.

"Practical Exam, Psycho vs..." Elena waited anticipating as she flew around. However just as the speakers yelled out the name, her smirk dropped.

"Saiko, Start!"

"Saiko?! You mean Yuko fucking Uta?! My mother?! Oh come on!" She sighed before looking ahead.

Deciding that she'd do her best against Yuko, she teleported behind one of the buildings. "Oh sweetie, come out now!" Yuko's voice was heard as Elena floated above ground so her footsteps wouldn't be heard.

Elena perked out behind the wall, looking around. She couldn't feel her aura, for some reason. Quirking an eyebrow, she sighed before turning around, however as she did she was met with a fist at her face.

She dodged it just in time before it hit her face, however, the pressure from the punch still sent her flying into a nearby building, knocking the wind out of her.

"Remember, Yuko. Do not overdo it. She's still a student." Nezu said in Yuko's earpiece.

"Student my ass. I am not going to underestimate he-" She began speaking, only for her eyes to widen when Elena suddenly came towards her, but in teleports. It was like she was glitching in the air, but towards her.

Elena stopped in front of Yuko's face before she looked into her eyes, brainwashing her for a few seconds, however that only bought her time enough to lift her leg and send a shockwave to the ground at her.

"Shockwave, nice mom." Elena wiped the blood off her chin as she smirked from above.
"You got it from me, what did you expect?!" Yuko yelled as she speeded towards Elena's sending an immense shockwave at her.

Elena rolled her eyes, dodging it with teleportation. However just as she teleported, Yuko was right in her way again, sending punches after punches of pressure waves at her. The pressure caused her head to spin as her ears pounded.

She raised a consciousness of her mind and managed to teleport away. 'I need to run to the exit..' She thought over the sound of her bleeding ears.

"You're not getting away so easy." Yuko yelled, appearing in an instant and grabbing her foot before launching her into a building. She clapped her hands, looking up at one of the cameras. "She has my blood in her, of course she can't be underestimated." Yuko smiled, making a salute at the camera and walked towards the building.

She created a scythe of the red light as she approached. She looked over, only to see Elena laying on the ground, to her what seemed unconscious.

"Hey! She's down! Get medic-" Yuko yelled, her scythe disappearing. And in that instant, Elena disappeared as a tornado of fire was sent her way. Yuko yelled before she spotted Elena behind her, using her telekinesis to fly towards the exit. She felt her head explode, knowing if she used her teleportation once more she surely wouldn't be able to even use her telekinesis.

Meanwhile in the monitoring room, the class stood watching. "Saiko-San is scary..." Mina winced.

"So is Elena-chan. Her abilities grow every day. I'm guessing that the pressure Yuko sent at her caused her focus to shift so she can't escape effectively." Nezu said, rubbing his chin.

"Elena is very smart and strategic! She'll make it!" Kirishima encouraged as he watched Elena just about near the exit, however Yuko managed to speed infront of it, stopping her. "Sorry, baby." She apologized before sending another pressure wave at Elena, however just as she did, Elena teleported one last time just behind the exit.

"Psycho, Practical exam Pass!" The speakers said as Elena smiled slightly before her vision blurred and she fell to the ground.

Yuko caught her just before she hit the ground. "You did good, baby." Yuko smiled and pushed her hair back.

'I barely even held back...'


Elena woke up later that day in the infirmary, her head aching immensely as she sat up. "Oh, no dear! Lay down! You injured your head at the exam." Recovery girl scolded her. "But-" Elena protested, however one look from recovery girl told her she needed to lay down.

"Your vitals and everything are fine. You just seemed to have taken a toll from Yuko's pressure waves. Let me tell you, nobody has survived those pressure waves in that way before. Usually people just pass out after the pressure reaches their brain, but you fought her off. It's admirable." She explained.

"It's probably because my quirk requires my head to be fully in control, I can't really use my quirk otherwise." She sighed, looking around. "Where is everybody? And what time is it?" Elena asked.

"It's 10 PM, nobody was allowed to visit. Only for mother and father. They have been here since the exam and left just a few minutes ago for urgent matters." Recovery Girl explained.

"Oh okay. When can I go?" She urged. "Just drink this water and take these and you'll feel better soon. Your head I mean." Recovery Girl  explained.

Elena nodded lightly and drank the water before taking the pills with it. "You suffered some injuries on your ears, your head and your back. After you were launched into that building your back sustained some damage. But it isn't critical. But if you ever feel any pain you may come to me!" She told her.

Elena stood up and thanked her before she left the room and headed back to the dorms. She felt a small smile appear on her lips at the sound of the birds chirping slightly, the leaves rustling as the night sky glowed with stars once she walked out. She liked being alone sometimes, but she didn't get a lot of opportunities to be alone. It bugged her because she never had truly been independent, or alone for that matter. Not even when she sleeps.

Her heart beat in a loving kind of way.

Words: 1944

From here on out everything will be going quickly.

Just warning you guys!

Ciao Lovelies <3

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