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Elena and Katsuki had sat down with Mitsuki and Masaru. They explained everything, well, Elena explained what Junichiro had done to her. To be honest, she did not feel okay. She wouldn't feel okay till he was dead.

The next day was the day the Bakugo's would have dinner with Elena, Shota and Yuko. The dinner wasn't till five, so the couple had decided to cuddle and watch a movie till around three, where they would start showering and getting ready.

Elena laid in between Katsuki's arms, cuddled into his chest as he watched the movie. She was tired, and cuddling into the one that made her feel safe, often made her fall asleep within seconds.

He warmed up his hand and rubbed her back soothingly. "Are you awake?" He whispered, only to wait for a few seconds without a response.

He smiled a little before turning off the TV in his room and covering them with a blanket. Wrapping his arms around her protectively, he kissed her head before finally laying back and attempting to fall asleep.

It was only 11 AM and they never took too long naps. Smiling slightly, Katsuki soon fell asleep.

'I'm her safe space.'


Mitsuki and Masaru checked the time, seeing as it was two PM and Katsuki and Elena were yet to have had anything to eat.

As they made their way upstairs, they walked slowly and quietly. Standing outside of Katsuki's door, they listened in, only to hear nothing. Masaru gave it a small knock. "Guys? You need to eat." Mitsuki said before she opened the door slowly.

Upon entering, her eyes went to the bed where Elena and Katsuki laid, fast asleep. Elena was tightly cuddled onto Katsuki, his arms around her as they slept. They swore they hadn't seen Katsuki that peaceful since he was first born.

Mitsuki tried to approach them, before she turned around and put a hand over her mouth, squealing. "I can't wake them up, they are too cute." She muttered through her hand.

Masaru rolled his eyes and approached them. He made sure to poke Katsuki a little, and just as he did, Katsuki's grip on Elena tightened as he held her protectively. Mitsuki almost began jumping at the little gesture. "My boy turned out to be good after all." She sobbed out as Katsuki looked at them.

"What is it, we're sleeping." He yawned, making sure Elena didn't wake up.

"It's 2 PM and you two haven't eaten. You can't be sleeping all day." Masaru smiled at him. He sighed before looking at Elena.

She had pillow marks on her cheek and her face was a little red. Slowly, he patted her head. "Oi, wake up, beautiful." He said in a mere whisper.

At this point Mitsuki had left the room, rolling on the floor as Masaru looked at her with a face palm as Elena slowly woke up.

Her eyes were immediately set on Katsuki as Masaru and Mitsuki exited the room. "Hi beautiful. Slept well?" He asked, kissing her forehead.

She hummed in response. "Mhm.." As she yawned. He smiled at her, seeing her slightly red eyes and red face. "Even this is a beautiful sight. Knowing you slept well." He chuckled, kissing her forehead before Elena sat up and rubbed her eyes.

"What time is it?" She asked, looking at him as she kept rubbing her left eye. "Mom and dad said that it was 2 PM. We need to eat something. You, especially." He told her as he sat up with her.

"2 PM? Why didn't you wake me up earlier?" She asked as she tossed the blanket off them and stood up. However when she did, her whole head began to spin. "Low iron-" She muttered and closed her eyes as she held onto the head of the bed. Katsuki chuckled as he stood up slowly.

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