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Days went by, and now they only had a week left in Okinawa. Everyone were missing home deeply. But to make the best of their last days of the trip, Elena thought they would head to the town, to check out markets, sales, etcetera.

Elena smiled brightly as they walked the market, holding Katsuki's hand. "Oh my god! Look!" Elena almost yelled, seeing a T-Shirt with Katsuki's merch on it.

"How much is this T-shirt?" Elena asked the seller. He printed out hero shirts. "Oh my god- you're Psycho- and you're Dynamight!" The worker admired.

"It's free if you sign five of my shirts!" He continued, making Elena hum for a second. "We'll do it if you have one with her merch." Katsuki said, pointing at Elena. "Of course." He said, bowing before he went to the back. His assistant brought out five Dynamight shirts and five Psycho shirts before giving them both a pen.

Elena and Katsuki signed five each before handing it to his assistant. "Thank you." The boy said, bowing before the main worker arrived with two T-shirts. "Here you two go! Have a nice day." The worker said, handing them the T-shirts.

Elena smiled before bowing and grabbing Katsuki's hand. "They were nice!" She said as they caught up to the others. "I guess." Katsuki told her, smiling.

As Elena and Katsuki caught up to Mina and the rest, they walked the street, looking around for souvenirs. "Oh my god! It's a Churro Statue!" Elena's eyes widened, looking at it. Katsuki smiled before he grabbed it and went to the owner of the small street shop. "We'd like to buy this." He said, only for the owner to nod with a bow before he held out the small card scanner. After paying, Katsuki and Elena left with the others.

"Okay so where to next?" Elena asked them, only for Mina to smile brightly. "How about-" Mina began, only for her eyes to widen, and as if everything went in slow motion, Elena had turned her head slightly before she had caught a small arrow right beside her face.

Her eyes glowed red as she crushed the small object. Looking around, her eyes met with a pair of teal ones looking right at her from a rooftop. In an instant, Elena was off, teleporting in the way of the hitman.

"Elena!" Katsuki yelled before Elena heard explosions behind her, signaling that he was following her.

"Bastard! Get back here!" Elena yelled before she teleported in front of the person. In an instant, she had sent the person into the wall using her shockwave. "Who do you think you are shooting at?!" She yelled, her eyes glowing red as Katsuki appeared right beside her.

The person only laughed maniacally. "You, of course! The daughter of Shota Aizawa and Yuko Uta! Might just kill me now, he will do it anyway!" They said as they took down their mask, showing their face.

"Who is he? Junichiro Yuuji?" Elena asked, quirking an eyebrow at the crazy woman that was now sitting on the ground before them. "Aha! Yupp." The woman said, giggling as she brought a gun out of her holster, this in which Elena disarmed immediately, sending the gun to the ground.

"Please, kill me!" She begged, making Katsuki roll his eyes before he walked forth and grabbed ahold of the woman, grabbing her neck and holding her up. "Tell us where the fuck he is. Now." He hissed at her, glaring daggers at her. The woman clawed at his hand for a second before smiling maniacally at him.

"Oh, nobody knows. He just sends orders wherever he goes and then disappears. But we do know that he's in Japan." The woman said, making Katsuki nod and look at Elena, who's eyes had widened.

She looked at him, her eyes soft for a second before she turned to look at the woman, however her eyes widened when she did. "Katsuki! Drop her!" She screamed, panicking as she sent the woman to the floor.

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