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[UNDERAGE DRINKING INCLUDED FOR YOU WHO DON'T LIKE THAT SHIET] Turn the song on when I tell you. GOT IT? Cause. Love this song, don't care if it's from Fifty Shades, etc, I like it, period. ❤️

Elena sat on the floor, her and Mina giggling. "And then, he played with her! It was adorable." Elena said, pouting as her eyes teared up. Mina and her had a couple of drinks, to say the least.

"Awh!" Mina said as she wrapped an arm around Elena's shoulder, drinking from her cup. The place was almost empty, it was only a few from the class who were left, playing a game in the livingroom.

A few had gone upstairs to sleep. The only ones ones sober at the moment, was Izuku, Momo, Mineta, Iida, Ojiro, Shoji, Sato, etcetera. Mineta wasn't allowed on the party considering his disgusting behavior. Katsuki and Shoto simply locked him in his room, Shoto melting the lock in his balcony and the front door. This was done after Mineta had tried to grab Elena's ass.

"I swear to god I want to suck the soul out of that man." Elena giggled, only for Mina to choke on her drink. Elena was looking at Katsuki from afar, mesmerized. He stood in a black button up shirt, a few buttons undone and his tie loose. He also wore a pair of black dress pants with white sneakers on. "Fuck he looks hot." Elena said, leaning on Mina's shoulder on the floor. "Shots to that!" Mina said, pouring up two shots of Sour Apple. Elena clinked the glass with Mina before they downed their drinks.

"Wohoo!" Elena said, only for a light bulb to almost lit in her head. "Let's head to McDonalds! I want a 50 piece!" Elena yelled, only for her to try and get up. Mina put her hands on her ass as she helped her up, pushing her.

Suddenly Elena fell back to the floor, her and Mina bursting out in laughter. "I want McDonalds too!" Denki said, appearing in front of them. Elena made grabby hands at him, only for him to grab her hands and pull her up. "Woho! Let's go! Izu and Momo drives!" Elena yelled, only for everyone to laugh at her goofy behavior.

Elena pulled Mina up as they laughed. "Let's go. We need to let wittle Iida, uh...yeah Iida sleep." Elena said, pointing at the class. "Right! And you all need some food! Me and Momo will drive and order whatever you want." Izuku said, smiling brightly at them.

"That's my Izuku! I want chicken nuggets and ice cream!" Elena yelled before she began speed walking to the door. "Alright, let's go everyone." Jirou said as Kirishima helped Mina up. "I'll bring the drinks in the back!" Sero yelled, only to walk into the kitchen. "I'll help." Uraraka said, going with him.

The only ones that were going, was Katsuki, Hitoshi, Elena, Sero, Ochaco, Izuku, Shoto, Mina, Jirou, Momo, Denki and Kirishima. six in one car, and six in one. "Denki can be on the roof of one car, Sero can surely tape him up. I call dibs on Mina's lap!" Elena yelled as Katsuki held her hand, walking. He knew it was stupid to let her get drunk, but he wanted her to have fun and let loose.

In one car, would be Izuku, Katsuki, Hitoshi, Shoto, Elena and Mina. In the other would be Ochaco, Momo, Sero, Jirou, Denki and Eijiro. Ochaco would be sitting on Jirou's lap while Elena would sit on Mina's. It's what they call totally legal driving.

Elena held Katsuki's hand as the class walked towards the cars. Sero and Ochaco had got the drinks as they made their way to the cars. Elena was startled by Katsuki leaning down to whisper in Elena's ear. "God I want to rip that dress off tonight." Katsuki whispered making Elena chuckle. "You can't. It's from Mina." Elena said, looking at him. Katsuki chuckled. "Too bad." He growled in her ear. "What, you a wolf now?" Elena asked, laughing as Mina joined her side.

"Hi girlie! I'm sitting on your lap. The dog can't behave." Elena said, only for her and Mina to skip away, hand in hand. Hitoshi joined Katsuki's side. "Sucks to suck, doesn't it?" He laughed as Denki got to his side. Katsuki rolled his eyes and put his hands in his pockets before he walked along.

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