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Elena yawned as she sat outside the room with Mina, Shota and Yuko beside her.

Suddenly Recovery Girl exited and told them to come in. "The boys seem to have extracted most of the drugs through emesis. So all they can do now is rest up, make sure they drink a lot of water and extract the last few of the substance through emesis, or simply peeing." Recovery Girl explained as Elena went over to sit beside Katsuki whom seemed dizzy.

(Emesis: Vomiting in Medical terms...(I think? Correct me if I'm wrong))

"Okay. So they're not going to school tomorrow?" Shota asked, making Recovery Girl shake her head.

"Now off you all go. It's four in the morning. You all need sleep." She said and shooed them off. "Thank you." Elena smiled before she helped Katsuki walk out.

"The class will never hear the end of this..." Yuko hissed, seeing Shota's angry expression.

"No, they won't." He glared at Mina. "I decided that I wouldn't be living on campus anymore to make sure my fiancé won't be alone! All because I trusted that none of you would do anything stupid! And what do you do? The first day!" Shota scolded, looking at Mina.

"I'm sorry."

"I'm going to be hiring a security officer to keep track of everything, here. You're allowed to be up late at night because you're 18, but if I ever hear the mere mention or sound of a party in that dorm again, I'm expelling all of you." He threatened.

"But what about graduation?" Mina asked.

"Mina..." Elena warned softly behind her as she held Katsuki.

She sighed and looked at the floor.

"Yes, Sensei."


That day, four students earned themselves house arrest for a week. Mina, Kyoka, Hanta, and Denki. Those who were at the party, coming from other grades had told Shota about those who arranged the party, and ended up with those four. Kirishima was also an accomplice, however he'll be in bed rest for the rest of the week anyway.

"I can't believe they snitched!" Mina yelled, sweeping the floors with a pout. Elena was allowed to stay at home to take care of Katsuki. Shota knew she studied nonetheless...

And he would be sending her all the material of what they do. The others however, would not. The class were forbidden to mention anything about their school activities to those in house arrest

"I know the class didn't do it. I read my dad's mind. He wasn't lying when he said it was someone from the other classes." Elena told her as she cooked some food. "Yeah well it's fucking mean. How can you do that? I threw a dope ass party and you snitch on me? Bullshit." She sighed.

"Yeah well even if someone didn't snitch, he'd know it was you, Denks, Hanta, Kyo and Kiri. He has cameras down here. He can literally see everything. He sees who's most accomplice and who's not." Elena told her, yawning.

"Wait, cameras? I thought those were gone?" She assumed. "I mean, they are. For the rest of the dorm so we get more privacy upstairs. They're in the common room floor only." Elena said.

"Dad told us all about this." She yawned as she plated the food. "Now I'm gonna go up to Katsuki's room, study and help him out." She told her, kissing Mina's cheek before she walked to the elevators.

"Okay, love you!" Mina yelled as Elena entered the elevator.

Words: 723

Really short chapter. But mainly because I wanted to inform all of you that I might be ending the book soon. Maybe...10-20 chapters more? I'm not sure! Depends if I want to include Elena and Katsuki's future...

Nonetheless, I'm going to be time skipping the next chapter to when Elena will be taking her first final, and then to her last final that the whole class will be doing. (+ Practical Exams for both finals and some fillers...)

Just so ya'll don't get jump scared by the time skip in the next chapter! Haha

However, I would like all of you to give me some advice/requests as to what you all would like me to write, what you all think is missing/what you want answered about their future, et cetera .

Anywho, I love you guyssss!

Ciao Lovelies <3

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