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Yuko screamed tossing around in the ambulance as Shota was taken into another ambulance. "No! Shota!" She screamed, using her telekinesis to toss things around.

"Yuko! Take it easy! He'll make it! We'll get the best doctors-" Hizashi tried, only for Yuko to glare at him.

"Let me be with him! Please!" She cried, her head falling back as the drug began to take action. "Ma'am, no one except the doctors are allowed in there. He's in good hands, we promise." A woman said, putting Yuko's head back as she tried to make her relax.

"I just want to see him." She cried, Hizashi feeling tears well up in his eyes. "I can't believe you're alive." He choked out, holding her hand. Yuko only looked at him, tears falling down her cheeks.

"Where's that bastard. The bastard that kidnapped me and my daughter." She asked, her voice sending daggers in its way.

"He's been taken care of. Trust me, he'll get the right sentence."


Katsuki breathed rapidly, a hand over his chest as he sat in the waiting room. "Kacchan, relax. Please try to.." Izuku tried, only for him to snap.

"How can I relax?! Elena was drugged for over 4 weeks, she was tortured!" Katsuki yelled, staring at the surgery room. "Hey, take it easy. We all know that she'll be fine. She was asleep for 10 months once, she was stabbed, had literal holes through her abdomen...and was abused all of her childhood. This won't kill her." Izuku tried to reassure him.

Katsuki's heart beat fast as he thought of all the different outcomes. 'What if she doesn't make it?'

"What about Yuko and Shota?" He asked, bouncing his leg as he didn't keep his eyes off the door.

"Yuko is doing well. Luckily she wasn't hurt as much. But Elijah recovered information that Junichiro planned to end her life in front of Elena. So we were just in time..." Izuku began.

"And Shota?" He asked, finally looking at Izuku.

"His condition is unknown. He's in surgery...the knife hit a few vital organs, which is concerning. But they believe that they'll be able to save him.." Izuku explained, making Shota sigh.

"Of fucking course Elena's condition is unknown, they haven't even said anything about where she's hurt, if she's gonna be better, anything! They haven't said anything!" He grunted angrily.

Katsuki's eyes widened when the door to the room opened. He quickly stood up, only for the woman to approach him. Katsuki looked at her. "How is she?"

"The drugs were extracted from her body...every wound has been treated...however. There's something you should know." The woman began, only to turn around and walk back towards the room she was being held in.

As he walked in, Elena was seen on the bed, bandages all over her body. "Well? What do I need to know?" He asked as he approached her, grabbing her hand.

"When we treated her internal wounds...we came to notice something." The woman said, making Katsuki snap his head in her way. In his head he was sure she'd say the worst. But nothing could've prepared him for her next words.

"She seems to have had a miscarriage. She was pregnant for 6 weeks before the miscarriage." She said, only for his heart to take a full on stop as he squeezed her hand.

"And Junichiro's at fault?" He asked, looking at Elena as she rested. "Yes. I'm afraid so. Considering the torture she withstood, it was inevitable." The doctor said before bowing in sorrow.

Katsuki lifted Elena's hand and brought it to his lips. "So she lived with that knowledge for weeks?" He muttered as tears fell from his eyes and onto her hand as he kissed her hand repeatedly.

𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐒𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐊 - 𝐁𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨 𝐱 𝐎𝐂Where stories live. Discover now