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This chapter is a long one. Simply to get past the trip stage and go straight to vacay <3

Elena made two baguettes filled with salad, ham, etcetera. They would eat the baguettes when waiting at the airport since Shota had promised to get McDonalds breakfast on the way there.

Katsuki and Elena laid on the couch, half asleep as they cuddled. They were waiting for Shota to come downstairs with the kids. It was currently around 4 AM and everyone were exhausted.

However when the elevators dinged, out ran two crying children and before Elena knew it, the two had jumped onto Katsuki and her.

"Don't leave us!!" They yelled, making Katsuki fight the urge to cover his ears. "We're not dying, children! We're going to be away for a month, not a year! Now suck it up and hang out with Izu-kun!" Elena scolded them, finally snapping.

Elena never liked children who cried too much. And since it was 4 AM and they were exhausted it was just way too head-aching for them. However when Elena snapped, they immediately shut up. "We're sorry..." They pouted, looking down.

Elena sighed before hugging them. "We'll be back before you two know it. Won't we?" Elena asked the rest of the group, whom nodded.

"See?? And you two have Izu-kun and Mirio! Aren't they great? Izuku knows how to take care of you! Besides, he'll give you guys McDonalds whenever you ask for it! Won't he?" Elena implied towards Izuku who sat by the kitchen island, head in his arms as he tried to rest. "Sure." He mumbled sleepily.

"Alright kids. Let's go." Shota said, whom had a suitcase along as he looked into his phone. Elena smiled at his presence. He looked up, seeing all the people in the room. "Where's Ellie?" Shota asked, looking back into his phone.

"Ellie went with Mic to pack the car." Mina told him. Shota nodded before turning around. "I'll meet you all by the cars." He told them before leaving. Elena's smile faded, only for Katsuki to quickly react.

"Don't worry, beautiful. He's probably just tired." Katsuki whispered before kissing her temple. Elena nodded and smiled hesitantly.



Once getting in the cars after packing them up, Elena and the others were quick to get seated comfortably in the cars. It was dark out and everyone were exhausted.

After Eri and Kota had been pulled off Elena and Katsuki they were finally able to go. Eri and Kota stood by the parking lot with a tired looking Mirio, waving. After goodbyes were said, people began falling asleep immediately.

"Okay! Everyone ready?!" Mina asked, suddenly very hype.

"No. Let me sleep." Elena mumbled, leaning against Katsuki in the very back. Katsuki had his head atop of hers as they listened to music in the shared headphones of theirs.

Mina pouted, only to look around to see that everyone in the car was half asleep. Hitoshi and Kirishima were actually asleep while Denki just stared into oblivion.

Katsuki and Elena in the back were half asleep. Listening to music in peace while they fiddled with their hands.

"Kiri, be my pillow."


Elena woke up, yawning as she looked outside. Everyone seemed to be asleep except for Shota. Looking at the time, they had only been driving for about thirty minutes. It was 5:46 AM and it was shockingly still dark outside, but the sun had started to make an appearance in one certain spot.

Yawning, Elena grabbed a snack from the box to the side before she grabbed an energy drink. 'Oh I'm stuffing these in my fucking bag.' Elena thought, grabbing her bag as she stuffed three into it, reminding herself to give Katsuki one as well.

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