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Yuko, Izuku and Nezu stood to the side, watching as Katsuki and Elena warmed up. Or...Elena warmed up.

Elena tried out her telekinesis, feeling no change in from how it was before. "I'm good." She said, only for Nezu to yell. "Start!"

And in an instant, Elena had jumped into the air, a smile on her face as she sent a shockwave at Katsuki. Using her mind reading, she analyzed his movements, dodging the explosions he sent at her. "That's my girl!!" Yuko screamed as Elena spun in the air before sending a kick at Katsuki's face.

Katsuki flew back, but once again caught himself using his explosions before blasting himself forth, using cluster as the glittery explosions were sent at her.

Elena's eyes widened, seeing Katsuki not use any thoughts as he attacked her. She used her instinct and calculated where he was gonna land the explosion before teleporting to the side, however Katsuki had seen where she had looked, only to send one of his AP Shots at her. Elena put her hands together before she used a nano compartment , making it fly in the air before it exploded, her sending the explosion along with a huge shockwave at him.

"Holy shit!!" Yuko screamed, absolutely stunned as she watched them fight. Elena teleported up to Katsuki's face as the smoke cleared.

"Saiko-sama..." Izuku hissed as Elena's eyes met Katsuki's, only for his whole body to still. "Sorry, Katsu my love...you loose this one." She chuckled and brainwashed him to lay down and put his thumbs up.

"Elena-Chan? Doesn't that hurt?" Izuku asked, making her look at him with a quirked eyebrow. "What hurt?" She asked.

"Doesn't it hurt to use your brainwash and everything?" He asked, only to make her eyes widen. "You're right! It doesn't hurt...weird..."

"My theory is that you got used to the pain, making it subside. Considering what you went through your pain tolerance must've sky-rocketed. So to an extent you might have extended the limit of your quirk overall." Nezu told her while Yuko vibrated in excitement.

"That's my daughter!!!" She yelled and blasted off the ground, over to Elena before giving her a tight hug. "You're absolutely amazing!! That quirk of yours is the best one I've seen in years!! I haven't heard of anything like it! You got my genes!!" She rambled, laughing and hugging Elena as she flew around in the air. Elena laughed, feeling happy that Yuko was proud of her.

She let Katsuki go of the brainwash, only for him to look up at the flying daughter and mother. "What the hell happened?!" He yelled, confusion built all over his face. "Elena won!" Yuko said, pointing at him with a laugh.

Elena looked at her mom, only to smile slightly. 'I tend to forget that she's really only 20 years old in her mind...' She thought before she teleported down to Katsuki, helping him up. "Sorry Katsu. I brainwashed you and kind of won." Elena laughed, only for Katsuki to roll his eyes.

"Didn't it hurt?" He asked, looking into her eyes as he held her chin. "Nope. Nezu thinks my limit was extended after the pain I went through with Junichiro...and everything else...so basically my pain tolerance is higher?" She tried her best to explain.

"Hm, maybe.." He said, only for Yuko to fly down to them, Nezu and Izuku joining. "Yuko-sama...can't you look into her body to find out if she's hurting anywhere?" Nezu asked, humming. Elena looked at her questionably.

"I could, but that would mean looking into her thoughts as well, depending if she allows me." Yuko said, making Elena think. "What? Wasn't your quirk Telekinesis but an extended version? Like where you were allowed to use the red light to make weapons and stuff?" Elena asked, making Yuko chuckle.

"You could say that. But I also have an extra, it's called Psychometry, if I touch things I can look into their background and information from the past and future. Though I never look into the future unless it's to do with a mission where an object could be fatal to society, so I look into it." She explained.

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