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Sitting at her bed, tears left his eyes as he held her hand in between his own. The room was quiet, the only sound being the heart monitor that made a noise every time her heart pumped.

"Please. I'm begging you...it's been 8 fucking months...come back to me." Katsuki pleaded, tears falling down his cheeks. Suddenly Katsuki heard a distant sound, only a very faint mumble come from the girl in front of him. The heart monitor picked up a little as he stood up. "Elena? Beautiful? Please talk to me! I'm here." Katsuki said, begged, even.

Katsuki waited for a single sign of movement from Elena, only to receive nothing except for a simple beep from the monitor. He sighed and sat back down, looking at the girl in front of him. Wires were connected to her, and an oxygen mask was placed around her beautiful lips.

8 months had gone since the war. The heroes won, and Shigaraki and the rest of the League of Villains were defeated. One villain remained, the one Katsuki wanted dead most of all. Nevertheless, Katsuki didn't sleep, barely. He went to school in the mornings, after school he went on patrol, and after his patrol he always made sure to bring flowers to bring to Elena's hospital room, where he stayed most nights. During the weekends Katsuki mainly stayed at the hospital, but wasn't granted visiting access during the night, whereas he was forced to sleep in the dull room of his back at U.A.

"Katsuki. She's not waking up anytime soon. You should head home, eat, shower, and sleep." A familiar voice said, entering the room. Katsuki looked behind him slowly, only to see Hitoshi and Shota enter the room.

"You're not even sleeping anymore. You need sleep, Bakugo." Shota spoke as they went and stood beside Katsuki. "Tch. Of course I haven't been fucking sleeping! It's been 8 fucking months! I had to be fucking saved, and wide fucking awake, but she couldn't? It's haunting my damn dreams!" Katsuki snapped, glaring into mid air. "Katsuki, Elena would want you to take care of yourself, the way you take care of her." Hitoshi said as Katsuki stayed silent, looking at her.

She had made only a few movements during the time she had been asleep, even so, it bothered Katsuki to know that she wasn't awake.

"I know she can hear me."


Katsuki laid in Elena's bed back at the dorms. It had been untouched ever since Elena left it. Her whole dorm room was kept in place, everything but her bed. Every time Katsuki was forced to head home and get sleep, he went to Elena's room.

Despite him missing Elena, he maintained his hero work regularly. He even managed to feel less lonely when working, it was calming to do something he was good at. But upon getting back home, he often just went back up to Elena's room, suffocating himself in his thoughts as he watched Elena's favorite movie, or series.

Katsuki was slowly suffocating himself. He isolated himself from everyone. He he never hang out with anyone except for Izuku and perhaps Shoto at patrols, Hitoshi and Shota at the hospital. Of course, yet again he visited Elena every day.

Once he began having dreams of Elena, he had an unbearable panic attack. His dreams haunt him, sometimes they were happy memories he shared with Elena, and sometimes they were illusions of Elena getting wounded, hurt, or worse.

Eventually people forgot about him. He had nobody to comfort him during the times he woke up in the middle of the night. The only people he spoke to, was Hitoshi, Izuku and Shota. Kirishima only spoke to Katsuki during lunch, or breakfast back at the dorms. Izuku took his time to talk to Katsuki during patrols, but other than that, Katsuki had lost almost everything.

Mitsuki and Masaru worried for him, every day. They had heard from Shota that he wasn't doing well, so they began calling every day to check up on him. They got short replies, and as the calls continued, Katsuki eventually stopped responding.

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