19. The Emberlands

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Chapter 19 The Emberlands

Hala ran up from the catsheep pen with Vaitape in tow. Both looked winded from playing chase the flock. She flopped down flat on the grass nearby the others.

Lou offered a hand to Hala to help her off the ground. "Let's grab our things from the barn and see if Rhalie is up. I can explain on the way."

Hafoc, who seemingly decided to stay with the group for now, if only so he wouldn't be badgered into spitting up the spoils in his sack, wandered away a bit from the farm in the direction of where they decided the big red area on the map should be, while Autumnus scrutinized the scrawled map.

Tine didn't have much of her own possessions to gather, as she kept most everything on herself at all times, and carried very little at that. She checked the straps of her backpack. Augh. I feel so cramped in there, she thought. Ever since she showed Autumnus her vulture wings, she wondered if she still needed to hide them at all. Maybe the others wouldn't care, either. She looked at the group they assembled outside the farmhouse to set out to rescue the children. Hala, Lou and the strange boy, Ilius, looked eager to leave. Tine noticed Rhalie had stayed behind in the barn. Lou said she tried to stab him when he tried to rouse her while she slept.

"I left a note." He waved a hand dismissively, "She can find us if she wants."

Kylia looked uncertain, but finally agreed, "I suppose...I'm sure Marlynn can point her in our direction."

Tine counted heads as they headed south. So, it was her, Autumnus, Lou, Hafoc, Kylia, Hala and the boar off to save the children. O wait. There's that sorcerer kid with the goggles, too. We all should be able to take on some big, red monsters, right? She thought, remembering Artin's drawing. She hoped it wasn't accurate; the creature looked huge.

They left the farm while the sun still rose to the east and walked past midday into late afternoon. As they walked, the terrain southwest of the farms slowly became rockier. Most everything around them was the color of ash. The trees in the area were mostly barren, save for a few shining leaves on the ends of their branches.

She stopped to touch one of the glowing, orange-yellow leaves and cried out in surprise when it burned her finger.

Autumnus laughed gently. "That's how the Emberlands get their name; from the flame trees that grow here."

Tine sucked on the hurt fingertip, ears back and gave him a sour look. Her tail thrashed.

He looked sorry then. "Oh, that was insensitive of me—are you badly hurt?" He put his hand out to take hers.

She showed him her finger. He wrapped both hands around her hand and blew on the outstretched finger. "I think it will heal quickly; the burn looks small. Do you want some ointment?" He started to rummage through his pockets.

Tine blushed. "No!" She stepped back, then halted. "I mean, I think it'll be fine, thanks."

They were interrupted when Hafoc worked his way back to them. "Hey, I know you two are busy doing something boring over here, but in case you want to actually save children or stay alive, I thought I'd point something out to you."

Hafoc pointed in the direction they were headed. In the distance, there was a small, solitary house on a rocky hill with smoke coming out of the chimney.

Hafoc rambled on, gruffly. "How 'bout you lot stay here and I'll go on up ahead." He strode in the direction of the far house, while staying hear any little cover he could find.

The rest of them waited, and scanned the surroundings for anything out of the ordinary a child may have left behind, such as a toy or clothing scraps. So far, nothing. Tine tried not to think too hard about what the kids might be going through, if they were even still alive.

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