HOLIDAY BONUS: Part 3 of 4

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Hello, everyone! I hope and pray that your winter is going well and that your holiday season has been wonderful and stress free!

Below is a very, very small drawing on a MTG land card I drew for DM friend Matt, who is beholden to al things norse. It (like the others in this series) is mostly done in sharpie. (Drawing on 3"x2" shiny cards with permanent markers makes for an interesting challenge!) 

Since The Northfell Curse is based on a DnD campaign and many of us who like DnD also play Magic: The Gathering (MTG) I thought you all might enjoy these as well. I'm post them throughout the holidays for funs.

I hope you enjoy's feature random holiday art for the yultide - check it out below...



Today's card:

A Gullinbursti for my friend who is into Nordic lore

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A Gullinbursti for my friend who is into Nordic lore. Here I drew the golden boar of legend styled with the red stripes of the traditional Scandinavian yuletide straw goat.

Ps. Apologies, but I am taking a break to catch up -- the series of Unfortunate Events that was my November has taken its toll. I plan to be back to schedule in early January. Next up in The Northfell Curse is a trip through the Emberlands as our heroes head into a dungeon, so plenty of antics and action to look forward to in 2024!

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