15. Escaping Night

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Chapter 15  Escaping Night

Hala looked at the sky through the trees. "It's getting late." She patted the head of the boar cuddled next to her. "Isn't that right, Vaitape?" He snorted happily and leaned in close as she scratched his ear.

Lou rubbed his hand over his face. "Great. We're naming them now."

The sun was low. They had only a sliver of sunlight left.

Hafoc paced nearby. He felt more on edge than usual. "Right. The farm is the best bet to be paid, yeh? What are we waiting for again?" Blight. Why is this group so slow?

Lou nodded. "You aren't wrong there. The butcher said he'd buy meat, but the farm would take the live ones off our hands for a bit of coin, I think.The problem is, the only one we have that's alive is this one here." He glanced at Vaitape. The boar had insinuated himself under the crook of Hala's arm and leaned his head in her lap.

Hafoc considered the boar, Vai-whatever, as he played with a dagger. Hm. Maybe it'd be easier to sell them all as meat...

Kylia kept a watchful eye on the darkening woods that surrounded them. "There's not much daylight left, maybe let's head to the farm and go back into town tomorrow? I don't want to be caught out at night in the woods or on the streets of the town. I'm not much a fan of vampires."

"Yeh, I guess they'd be after you all," Rhalie added. "You tasty lot, you." She smiled and crossed her arms as if she were superior in some way.

"I can't believe you can even manage to be smug about being inedible." Kylia punched the gnome in the shoulder. She had to lean down a little to manage the playful slug.

Autumnus and Tine approached from wherever those fools had been to. Good, Hafoc thought. He looked for Tine's pack. Ah, very good. She still has her precious goods, whatever they may be. That's where the real money is, he thought. He could relax a bit now.

Autumnus jumped right in as he and Tine joined the group. "I hate to interrupt, but I couldn't help but overhear...I agree. As much as I enjoy all this time in the woods, this place is not the safest. I'm sure the farmer will be fine to have us even if we need to stay in the barn." He reached down and gave Vaitape a pat on the rump.

Demon boy seems awfully interested in the elf, Hafoc noted, as Autumnus gave Hala an inquisitive look. In response to his raised eyebrows, Hala nodded, apparently meaning that she was fine. How'd they get so close so fast? Never matter: don't know, don't care.

Tine kicked a rock and busied herself by staring at a tree. I think Kitty cares, though. Mebbe I kin use that.

Hafoc cleared his throat. "So, yeah. There's a chance we get laughed away by some bumpkins, but I would rather travel in numbers, either way. Let's go, eh?"

There was no objection, and little time to do so, even if anyone had wanted to quarrel, so it was decided. Hala led them south, towards the farmland. She remembered that much. Vaitape pranced by her side, snout raised. The group gathered their spoils from the Cobra Mutkin's nest and followed the unlikely pair.

The darkening forest began to twitch and reinvent itself in the thickening darkness. It was definitely time to leave.

As they reached the forest edge, they heard a growing symphony of wings and teeth. The farm sat quietly ahead, as if waiting for them to arrive.

Kylia kept a firm grip on her dagger. "Um, how can something so wholesome looking feel so...creepy?"

Tine's shoulders arched. "I don't know. But, somehow, it sure is."

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