6. Welcome to Svlandir

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Chapter 6 Welcome to Svlandir

"Giving money to a Riganite is like dumping water into the sea." — old Nagir saying

After a time, the boat drifted into the docks and Odie tied the yawl to a post along a pier. Nemophily even stopped reading The Old Gnome and the Sea to take in the sight as the late-day sun gleamed on the town's many-spired buildings. Finally, they have reached Svlandir!

Tine's tail switched in happy anticipation of land. She heard Autumnus sigh. I guess I'm not the only one who is relieved, she thought. Finally, she was away from the Strige, the wolves, and the ice!

Once the small ship was fully docked, she jumped ashore. With her back to to docks, she surveyed their new surroundings; there was no shortage of things to look at. On their left was a water-bound building with a large globe-like sphere on top. Not far from it, was something she presumed was a church, or so she guessed from the steeple. Directly ahead, stood a shop with a large cat's eye window and a sign that read "Rosetta's Stones." To the right, a little up the street, she could see a cheerful-looking tavern inn with a hand-painted sign that informed anyone who could read that its name was The Happy Dragon.

Hafoc was the first to barrel past her. Tine watched him as he paused, then lumbered decisively towards the tavern. She turned back to the boat and watched Autumnus as he tarried before disembarking. He caught Rhalie's eye as he hesitated, but she shooed him on with a wave of her hand. Zawn and Nemophily stepped onto the pier from the ice floe at the same time he joined Tine to survey the city.

Tine looked back once more to see two deflated-looking sailors hovering near Kylia and Rhalie. Kylia blew a kiss in Odie's direction and sprinted off deck onto the pier. But what about Rhalie, Tine wondered, was her affection for Gai sincere? Her gnome friend winked at her. Either way, I guess she's fine.

As the others headed in the direction of The Happy Dragon, Tine found herself alone with Autumnus on the pier. Her ears flicked. She struggled for the right thing to say. "So...I guess—"

Autumnus interrupted her. "So, I thought I'd find out more about this curse by asking some of the merchants if they know anything. Care to go to that one with me?" He pointed to Rosetta's Stones. "I feel a little awkward 'shopping' alone."

Tine shifted her weight from foot to foot, considering. She liked Autumnus but felt awkward herself at the thought of shopping together. And she still wasn't sure why he thought they could actually stop the curse. Ah, hell, anything to get me onto shore, she thought.

She nodded. And took a ginger step forward, as she gave the surrounding water the evil eye.

Autumnus noticed and grabbed her hand. "Don't worry; I won't let you fall in," he smiled.

Tine's ears went flat. "Thanks," she said. "I should be braver than this. It's only water, for Mut's sake." She looked down.

He squeezed her hand. "Think nothing of it. We all have things that scare us." He cleared his throat and looked away. "For instance, I have an aversion to, um...mirrors."

"Mirrors?" Tine grinned. "Really?"

He frowned. "Don't laugh. I know it's silly; it's just I have trouble looking myself in the face." He gestured towards himself, "You know; the horns, the demon look, and all that." He sighed. "I hate being scary."

"You're totally not." Tine insisted. She glanced in the direction of The Happy Tavern. "Now Hafoc, he scares me. Just a little."

Autumnus raised his eyebrows.

The Northfell CurseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora