3. The Aamonwelp Who Cried Wolf

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Chapter 3 The Aamonwelp Who Cried Wolf

It was hard to tell exactly what their fisherman host...was, exactly. The voice sounded like a 'he' to Tine, but, really, because the fisherman was covered so thoroughly in clothes, it was difficult to tell, and he wasn't giving answers. He rattled on about everything, except himself, and never gave them his name. Finally, they just began to address him as "Fisher."

Fisher wore a loose outfit that, mostly white, rivaled the snowy ice in its brightness. The only color he wore was red; he was clad in red tights, sported a noticeably large red ribbon that ran through the hem of his skirt bottom, and a bit of reed on his hood, which was intriguing in itself; the pointed hood that covered most of his face bore two large points that resembled the oversized ears of a desert fox. While the hood itself was white, but had a single red pouf at the top of each foxlike "ear."

And then there was the fish. Fisher always talked to the fish. Tine had assumed it would be their next meal until Fisher began conversing with it like a close friend and introduced it to them to Kilgore. Tine could not tell a difference between the other fish and Kilgore, except that Fisher carried the red trout on a rope tied to a stick. Of course, the fish has a name. Why couldn't he name it Dinner, she thought, eying the trout as her stomach growled. Ouf. He's at it again.

Fisher moved the rod to bring Kilgore to his ear, and nodded, as if in reply. "We's wants to give you this. It will help keeps you safe." Fisher continued, interrupting Tine's thoughts. He handed her a drawing. Once she took it, he began to wave his hands, making the fish bounce about on the string. "Looks out for these. They are dangerous, them. Theys jump out of the ice and will try to eats you. The greatest fisherman hunts them because they are delicious as they are dangerous. But beware! They will eats you up in one breath!" His eyes widen with each word.

The aged drawing depicted a boat being capsized by an enormous, pink, turquoise-scaled orca-like creature, whose forehead boasted a single, spiral horn. The sea creature dwarfed the boat, which it thrashed with apparent ease. Ugh, I hate everything about this journey, Tine winced to herself and passed the picture on to the others.

When Zawn dropped the drawing in front of Nemophily's book, the Aamonwelp exclaimed, "Oh my, is this a rendering of the elusive Arcano? Those have been known to burst out of the ice to bite or spear their prey. A hurt Arcano may spew even ink on an enemy," she said with excitement, smiling as if this were the best of news.

Hafoc laughed. "Wow. I feel like my cat just started talking."

Tine bristled. "Excuse me?"

"Ah, no offense meant, kitty, but you've talked the whole time." He bowed a little. "I meant, like a...proper cat, y'know?" He noticed her scowl. "Oh, sorry. Is 'tabby' better?"

Autumnus cut in before she could reply. He grabbed the Arcano drawing, and proclaimed in an overloud voice, "Thank you for the gift — ahem —Kilgore! With our newfound knowledge of gigantic, man-eating fish, we shall play it safe. Fisher, you have our word that no harm will come to you two as we stay in your camp."

"That's a big promise," said Rhalie, as she attempted to craft a bed out of her miscellaneous pack items.

"Well, as best we can manage, of course." Autumnus continued. "I'll keep the first watch."

"Righty-O," mumbled Hafoc, who wrapped himself tightly in his cloak, and used his overfull bag as a pillow.

Tine studied the drawing as the group settled in for a long rest. On its back, it read: Beware the Arcano. Soon, despite countless worries, exhaustion overtook her, and she slept.

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