8. Pigs and Peep Shows

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Chapter 8  Pigs and Peep Shows

Tine and Autumnus had been walking for some time now. Tired and hungry, Tine sat down on the steps of an alabaster building. It was a quiet road, and most of the residences were shuttered. It's getting closer to evening now. No one is in sight. That seems odd for a city of this size, she thought.

Autumnus walked in circles nearby as he squinted closely at the piece of crumpled, stained paper that was their map.

"Hey, Autumnus," Tine waved from where she sat. "Over here. Sit down a minute." Her tail waved, too.

He looked defeated and sat down with a thunk beside her. His long legs made his knees come up nearly to his chin, which made him look a little childlike as he rested next to her.

Autumnus dropped his head down on his knees and wrapped his arms around his head. "I know what you're going to say."

"Um..well, that makes one of us." Tine smiled to herself. How can someone so big seem so...cute? "How about this then, you can talk for the both of us, and I'll just take a nap. You let me know when we're done with the conversation, yeah?"

He laughed, head still down. "I know you're going to say I can't fix everything." He looked up. "But I have to try."

Autumnus looked so sad, Tine put her hand on his shoulder without thinking. Augh, is that too forward? I feel like I barely know him, but... "Ok...but why? I mean, everyone wants the ice to go away, but it's not like it's anyone's responsibility to get rid of it. Unless, of course, you started the curse in the first place? Then we have to have a serious talk."

He went on, unfazed by her touch. His eyes looked pained. "I know that, too. But somehow, I can't accept it." He sighed. "You must know how hated Aamonwelp are, but I can't tell you how awful it feels to look like this," he pointed to his horns and red skin with a pointy, black nail. "...and to be hated as evil. Just for my appearance."

Tine nodded and reflexively held onto the straps of her pack. As a Mutkin, she could relate, at least a little. And as a—no, don't make this about you, she thought, he knows enough...at least for now. "I know what it's like to be second-class because of race," she pointed to her cat ears. "But no, I don't know what it's like to be called evil when you haven't done anything wrong. That's the worst." She rubbed a hand behind her neck. "So, what I guess I don't get is...WHY exactly do you have to save the world, again?"

He laughed. "I suppose I think it will give the Aamonwelp clan a good name." He furrowed his brows. "Also, I just honestly want to save it. Is that such a ridiculous thing?"

She laughed now. "No, but let me know how that goes. It seems like a tall order."

He frowned again, "But weren't—"

Autumnus interrupted himself as the man they saw working at The Happy Tavern hurried by. "Excuse me," he held up a long, red finger, "could we have a word?"

The man stopped with a startled halt, slumped his shoulders and spun around. He still looked disheveled; it seemed like his permanent state of being. "Yeah, all right. But just a moment." He looked up at the darkening sky. "I've got to be going."

Autumnus stood up and smiled. His friendly demeanor did not lessen the impact of their height difference on the man, who looked up, obviously nervous.

"Hello good sir," Autumnus bowed slightly. "I was wondering if you could point me in the way of the butcher, this map seems to be not worth its cost," he said, and showed him Crazy Annie's drawing on the napkin.

The man squinted at the crude map. "Oh, you want The Big Pig? I guess you just..well, go two streets that way...then one to the left. But, I warn you—you should think about getting indoors. It's getting dark now. There are rooms at The Happy Dragon to let for the night. Good for business, and all, but I wish..." With that, he shrugged and hurried off.

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