7. The Happy Dragon

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Chapter 7 The Happy Dragon

Hafoc passed the bird seller and avoided eye contact as he went by. He wasn't sure which he found more abrasive, the honking noises or the obscenely bright outfit the vendor wore. Just want me some warmth, a drink, eats, and sleep, yeh. The Happy Dragon stood out, thanks to a large hand-painted sign above the entrance depicted a playful dog-like dragon looking ready to greet travelers at the door.

Hafoc shouldered the door open and was greeted by an "Oye!" as an empty jug crashed into the wall. Another almost careened off his head, but, to his surprise, a gnarled, old woman reached up and snatched it deftly. She sat down again to resume her ale. Swaying slightly, she stared at him and winked as he took in her hooked nose and rouged cheeks.

"Ye ain't from here, are ye?" She chugged her drink and looked him up and down with open curiosity.

The other tables were full, but she was alone at a large table. Probably good reason for that, he thought. What the hell. She can't be crazier than that lot I've been traveling with. The chair squeaked as he dragged it out."You seem like a woman who has her wits about her. Howzabout I join you?"

The old woman smiled a semi-toothed grin... She craned her neck, scanning the room, then whispered, "Not everyone knows I can tell the future..." She glanced, side-to-side, " but you have a strong aura about ye."

She stopped to chug more ale, slammed down the tankard and belched low. "Yea. I see danger to come. Danger, blood, and...cold."

"That I tells ye as a public service, like. Anything more will cost." She eyed her empty mug as Hafoc considered if he wanted his fortune told.

As the tavern door opened again, Hafoc saw the Aamonwelp and kitty come in. He snickered as they were greeted by an "Oye!" as an empty jug crashed into the wall. Tine looked ready to take one of the drunkards out, but Autumnus patted her on the shoulder and pointed at Hafoc. Augh, it's them again. But, mebbe that's not so bad. After all, that cat's backpack seems like it's got something worth her weight in gold innit, the way she acts. He'd noticed that she never took it off or even opened it. Seeing them again reminded him it might be worth his while to hang out with this bunch a bit longer and see if he could get his hands on whatever's inside. Guess I'm not done with them just as yet.

Hafoc wasn't a fan of being part of a group. He didn't even like sitting in a crowded place like this, and had to hold back the occasional urge to quietly stab one the more raucous patrons with a dagger. Not worth it. I'll be on my way soon enough. He just caught a glimpse of Kylia, who sat quietly at the bar, drinking a beer. When did she slip in? Ach, me, I'm losing my touch.

Hafoc regarded the old sot, who still stared at her empty mug as Autumnus pulled out a chair for Tine.

Hafoc rubbed the stubble on his chin. "Well then, what's the cost? I'm sure we can give you a round or two if that's what it takes to see the future." He wasn't so sure of her fortune telling skills, but to be honest, he found her less annoying than the other people in this place. Probably worth it just to stay at the table.

"Two silver. Two beer. Each." She nodded, justified. "How many you want? I can focus on one big topic at a time....love...money...fate... what's yer fancy?"

Tine held her hands up and shook her head, "No thanks. No future for me. I can barely deal with today!"

Autumnus nudged him, and whispered, "Ask about the curse."

Hafoc shrugged. "You don't have'ta whisper. She kin hear you, y'now." Fine. I'll ask about the stoopid curse. Dunno why he thinks we can break it, but this should be entertaining at least.

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