Vol 1. Chapter 1: First Day

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[1st, April]

From today onwards, I'll be attending this school, huh?

I guess, I'll be 'gone' for the next three years, then, won't I?

Yeah, it's quite exciting, actually. 

After all, finally, my revenge can begin now...


I should hide my excitement.

For now, I'd rather laze around, so hopefully, I'm able to get a seat on the bus, without much trouble, so I can daydream of my revenge. 

I did a small deep long sigh, turning myself around, suddenly seeing a brown-haired guy staring at me with golden eyes.

It's quite rude to stare, you know.

But well, it's not something I'm not accustomed, after all.

Anyhow, I wonder, is there anything I have done in particular for him to stare at me? I'm not sure, but it's not like I particularly care.

Let's see, what should I do, in the meantime, while the bus arrives? Play on my phone?

Oh wait, I don't have one, currently...

After all, they're not allowed in the school, and we'll get our new one's there, according to the E-Mail and the Formulas that were sent to me. 

I guess, I should do something else, then...

I simply looked at my surroundings in boredom for almost a minute, but then saw, the bus coming. 

Two and a half minutes sooner than expected, actually.

I entered the bus, and sat myself in one of the remaining free seats, while the brown haired guy sat himself in front of me. But as I hoped to sit alone, a girl from the bus station followed along, sitting herself next to me.

She seemed to go also in the same school, based on her uniform, but I shrugged her presence off, as she stared at me.

In the meantime, I'll simply observe Tokyo, out of the window.

As the bus was driving, and driving, continuing for it, several minutes, I still noticed her glance at me. I slightly looked to the side, seeing her blushing, turning her face around.

With this, I shouldn't be bothered anymore, by her. 

But out of curiosity, I looked myself around the bus, seeing a black-haired girl, in front of me, having a book in her hands.

I could recognize from the small words I was able to read from this perspective, which book it was, as I had read it, when I was smaller.

Although, she noticed my curious gaze, and in return, gave me a cold-hearted gaze back, reading her book further.

The bus continued to drive, and after a few more stops, the bus picked an older lady up. But it couldn't bother me less, truthfully.

I curiously looked, seeing no remaining seat available for the older lady, until I looked myself slightly around the bus, seeing no one ready to stand up.

Neither did I, since it was troublesome. And also, the distance between her and me is too large, so I don't want to stand for more than twenty minutes until we arrive at the school.

Quite a stupid reason of mine, but then again, I didn't need to justify to anyone my reason of choosing to sit in my seat.

I looked at the city scenery out of the window but could feel how something seemed to be arousing in the bus.

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