CHAPTER 32 : Acting class

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Kan's perplexity was clear on his face. Even though it was late, he was unable to fully recover his energy and vitality. Perhaps it was because he went to bed so late last night, nearing daybreak. Even though he tried to go to bed earlier, around ten o'clock, to change his sleep schedule, he was only able to do so for the first few nights. Around that time, he started going to bed later and later, especially last night, when he finally fell asleep around three o'clock.

He could not force himself to sleep, so he had to take antihistamines.

He was not sure why, but it could be because he had been dealing with a lot of problems lately. His lonely heart was especially shaken when two people appeared out of nowhere one day. Whether it was P'Book, who had taken good care of him since the first time they met - it would be difficult not to be moved - or Han, whom he had only recently met - he had to admit that his face and body were exactly Kan's type, so it was not surprising that his heart was easily won. Furthermore, Han was always polite, conversational, and cheerful, which made him easy to like.

But, no matter how much Kan liked and wanted them both as partners, he was always up against the "brotherhood" wall. Furthermore, getting over the wall seemed to be extremely difficult. It would be difficult to switch from coworkers to lovers as quickly as older and younger brothers.

Whether Buddy Zone or Brother Zone, both were terrifying...

The little guy got dressed quickly, applying make-up and neatly styling his hair. He believed that first impressions were extremely important. He was concerned that if he appeared tired and unenthusiastic, others would regard him as incapable. He didn't want this to happen to him.

His favorite perfume, which he received as a birthday present last year, had been sprayed all over his body. The aroma spread throughout the air. His face appeared much fresher after the cosmetics than when he first awoke. His hair was styled so that it appeared natural. Kan smiled at himself in the mirror, thinking he looked very handsome and content.

"Better take some photos to keep," he said, walking to the window and opening both the blackout and sheer curtains. Natural light hit his face, causing him to squint slightly while his eyes adjusted. His little hand grabbed his phone, opened Instagram, and scrolled for a filter that would make his face look even better than before.

Today, everyone takes realistic photos with filters to boost their confidence.

Once he found a filter he liked, he took selfies and posted them right away. He looked at the clock on the wall and realized he still had time. He started TikTok because he wanted to share some modest photos with his fans so they could see his morning face.

Kan was immersed in something entertaining, and time flew by, just as it did now as he hurriedly jumped up to retrieve his bag and place it over his shoulder after finishing his TikTok videos. Given that it was almost time to go home, he might arrive late to the studio.

Kan find a taxi by using the Grab app to find a ride to the nearest subway station. Commuting to acting class was difficult for him. He could take the subway, but it was inconvenient because he had to ride his motorcycle from home to the station, then transfer to the BTS train and take a taxi back to the acting studio.


Kan sighed deeply as he slumped into his metro train seat, staring at the map and directions to the studio that Book had sent him.

Despite the numerous transfers, he believed it was worthwhile to enroll in this acting program. Paying a little more money to gain contacts and opportunities seemed justified.


His stomach growled, reminding him that he had not eaten or drunk since waking up. He was so focused on his ideas that he neglected to take care of himself.

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