CHAPTER 30 : The three guyshave opened their hearts.

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Kan, Min, and Han walked back and forth to Han's room after P' Yai drove the three drunk lads to his condo, which was the closest. Kan and Min were so inebriated that P' Yai did not trust them to take a taxi back to their house, fearing they would not arrive safely. Han offered to let them stay with him temporarily.

"Should you have a shower first, bro?" Han inquired as he closed the entrance door. The two inebriated elders sat on the couch in front of the television.

"Mmm, hmm," Kan said, before slowly and unsteadily rising. Han came over to support him. Meanwhile, Min remained seated on the sofa.

"I will get you some clothes. Take it slow, bro. Do not lock the bathroom door, okay?" Han spoke as he helped the stumbling Kan into the restroom. He could not help but be concerned that Kan would slip and fall in the shower as a result of his alcohol consumption. So he urged him not to lock the door in the event of an emergency so that he could come in and assist if needed.

"Come shower me," Kan replied with a faint smile and unfocused eyes from the drink.

"No way!"

"Just kidding, bro."

"Hurry up and take a shower to sober up," Han said, swiftly pulling himself out and closing the door.

Han was relieved to hear water gushing from the showerhead onto the bathroom floor as he returned to make Min more comfortable on the converted sofa bed. Fortunately, his sofa could extend into a bed, giving Min more room to sleep instead of being crammed onto the small sofa.

"Mmm..." Min grunted softly, his face scowling slightly as he awoke from his slumber.

"Sleep well, bro," Han murmured before leaving to get some clothes for the two.


Han let out a small sigh after getting everything ready. He was unsure whether volunteering to care for Kan and Min was a good or bad idea because it felt like a burden on him. But he could not bring himself to refuse P' Yai's request, knowing how dangerous it would be for them to attempt to return home while heavily intoxicated.

He used his phone to pass the time while waiting for Kan to finish his shower. Despite being heavily inebriated, he refused to fall asleep just yet. His body felt filthy in ways he could not describe, and he would not dare crawl into bed until he would showered. He had always been cautious about this; no matter how close they were, he never allowed anyone on his bed before showering, fearing they would spread germs from outside and make him sick.

"Finished showering, bro?" Han inquired, peering over when the door to the bathroom opened.

"Mm hmm,"

"Clothes are in front of the TV, bro," he informed Kan.

"..." Kan stood staring at the speaker for a moment before nodding in agreement with what Han said.

He turned to follow Han's finger pointing to the clothes, grabbing them and bringing them into the bathroom to change. He soon walked out in his pajamas, which included a badminton t-shirt and shorts. Han smiled quietly as he realized how well they complemented Kan's figure.

"Do they fit well, Kan?"

"Yes, very comfortable."

"Are you feeling more sober now?"

"A little," Kan said, lowering himself to sit on the floor in front of the sofa because there was no more room to squeeze next to Min.

"Hey! Come sit here; I'll go shower now," Han said, standing up when he saw Kan, who was lying on the ground.

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