CHAPTER 29 : He took it yet again

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"Hello, I'm almost there," Kan answered on the phone.

(I'm on my way to meet you, P'.)

"All right, let me know when you get here," Kan replied with a small smile because he could clearly hear the wind noise while the other end of the phone was on the phone, implying that Han was not lying.

Kan was waiting inside a luxury mall in the city center because he had made an appointment with Han and P' Yai to go out for a walk to find something to eat because he was bored staying at home, just as everyone else was, They were also all on vacation and did not have much to do in one day. Staying at home was extremely boring.

Kan glanced at the watch on his smartphone screen before deciding to go to the popular coffee shop brand nearby where he was standing and buy some coffee to drink for a while, hoping it would wake him up. He went to bed late last night since he was absorbed in watching BL series till almost four o'clock before falling asleep.

Inside the coffee shop, there were fewer people than expected. He walked in without needing to wait in line. He ordered a small iced Americano and waited a little longer until he got the coffee to drink to perk himself up.

Han: Where are you?

Han's message appeared on the smartphone screen. Kan responded by typing his location. Han soon followed him to the mentioned coffee shop.

Kan inquired, "What about P' Yai?"

"She said she's on the highway; she should be here soon. P' Yai normally drives like flying," Han said before turning to get a green tea latte with extra whip because the person in front of him in line had just completed ordering.

The two of them moved outside the shop after Han received his drink order because the number of customers had unexpectedly increased, despite the fact that there were hardly any customers when Kan first walked in.

"Should we go for a walk first, P' Kan? I am bored just standing here," Han complained. He was a human who did not like to be idle. He felt stuffy because he was forced to stand here.

"Okay, where to?"

"Just walk around and see stuff."

"All right, you lead the way then," Kan replied, motioning for Han to walk ahead because he did not know where the younger one wanted to go and wanted the younger to pick wherever he wanted because he already had everything.

But before they could get too far, two eager high school girls ran over to them. Actually, it appeared that both of them were used to people recognizing them as actors, but rushing up like this still surprised them.

"P' Han and P' Kan, right?"

"Yes," Kan responded softly.

"Um, can I take a picture, please?" The female student begged, her hands quivering.

"May we take a photo?" Kan turned to ask Han because he was not sure if Han's company, like other companies, had rules against taking pictures with fans, but Kan's didn't.

"Yes, P'" Han said, nodding.

"Eeek, thank you!" exclaimed the female student, darting between Kan and Han. She had a friend photograph them, and then they switched places. They did not forget to say thank you before leaving after taking the pictures.

They hadn't gotten far when P' Yai texted Han that she had arrived at the mall. So they decided to meet in a restaurant on the fourth floor because no one had eaten since the morning. Everyone agreed that the first course should be rice. They'd figure out what to do next.

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