CHAPTER 16 : Having to Choose

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No one knew what happened after P'Jeab heard from Poom that Sun had a girlfriend and passed this information onto the production team, until Sun got called into the company office. That day, in addition to the producers, P'Jeab and P'Eiw were also present.

Everyone had worried and tense expressions, except for Sun and his manager, Nik, since neither knew why Sun had been summoned to the office today.

"Hello, P'Wandee," Sun greeted when he entered the conference room.

"Have a seat first," P'Wandee replied with a slight smile, signaling for him to take a seat in the empty chair.

"What's going on, Why did you call my artist in?" Nik asked right away because he didn't want to waste time. He and Wandee were hardly on good terms to begin with. Now that they had to work together, they begrudgingly talked when necessary but generally avoided interacting. But for the sake of the kid, Nik swallowed his ego.

"Well..." Wandee began hesitantly. She glanced over at P'Jeab momentarily, hesitating whether to bring this up. But seeing P'Jeab nod reassuringly, she steeled herself and asked outright, "Sun, you have a girlfriend, right?"

"Yes," Sun replied without hesitation. Nik himself also didn't look surprised.

"Oh, I see," Wandee said with a strained smile when she heard the answer. "Did you know about this, Nik?"

"Yeah, the kid tells me everything. I didn't think it was a big issue, so I didn't pay much attention to his personal matters," Nik replied nonchalantly. With years of experience managing stars, he immediately realized from the question what Wandee wanted - she was trying to control Sun's personal life. And he didn't do that with his artists, so he subtly jabbed back that he didn't meddle in the kids' private affairs.

"Nik, this is serious. You know BL series and women are forbidden," Wandee tried explaining with a worried expression.

"What do you want my actor to do about it?"

"Is Sun certain that she'll stay in her lane and not flaunt herself or appear in the media?"

"I think we can discuss it."

"Sun has to be sure he can do it. There have already been so many cases of others being ruined because of a girlfriend."

"That's true, Nong Sun. So many guys shot to fame from BL shows but ended up taken down by women and their careers destroyed because of it," P'Jeab added once Wandee finished speaking.

"I understand, but we've been dating a long time, since freshman year. I'm a senior now," Sun tried to explain his side. He didn't seem too worried; he just wanted P'Wandee to understand he kept work and personal matters separate.

"I understand that. But still, go think about what you want to do going forward. It's easy to say now when you're not famous yet. But once famous, will the woman still not want to show off or demonstrate she's yours?" Wandee's voice grew more concerned when she saw the other side wasn't readily agreeing.

"I don't know; I can't predict the future," Sun answered sincerely. This made Nik stifle a laugh at the naive response. He knew his kid well - what came out of his mouth was pure honesty. He didn't overthink how it sounded to the listener.

"See! That's why I feel we should nip this in the bud, solve the issue early on so we don't have to worry about problems arising later, figuring out how to fix things then," P'Wandee stared intensely at Sun. Her eyes betrayed how hard she was trying to convince the boy in front of her to do as she suggested.

"Oh, come on, why beat around the bush so much? Just say what you want directly so the kid actually understands," Nik was getting irritated that Wandee wouldn't clearly state her desires. He knew what she wanted, but a guileless kid like Sun probably couldn't read between the lines. If you want something, say it straight.

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