[1-5] - Risa Kobayashi's Introduction

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RENJIRO KATO: "Here we are. What is this..."

Renjiro looks up at the label above the door.

RENJIRO KATO: "Studio...? What is this?"

HARUKI KISHIMOTO: "I'm suggesting it's for... music and shit?"

RENJIRO KATO: "Why would this be here of all places?"

HARUKI KISHIMOTO: "I'm not the one who built this place, you tell me."

RENJIRO KATO: "I would if I had even the slightest clue about what's going on..."

...He says as he steps into the room.

HARUKI KISHIMOTO: "You're gonna get yourself killed one day and I won't even be surprised."

RENJIRO KATO: "Some help you are."

I walk into the studio after Renjiro.

Standing off to the side, I see a girl messing around with equipment.

As she hears the noise we make, I can see her turn towards us.

???: "Hello. Have I seen you around before?"

RENJIRO KATO: "We haven't seen you either, so... I'm guessing not."

???: "Okay, well... This is the best time, it seems."

"To get it out of the way, I'm Risa Kobayashi."

RENJIRO KATO: "Okay! I'm-"

RISA KOBAYASHI: "No need to introduce yourselves. I overheard a couple of your conversations in the meeting hall yesterday."

RENJIRO KATO: "Oh, okay...!"

She seems like... another observant person.

We have a lot of people who are aware.

They can prove useful in some way.


HARUKI KISHIMOTO: "So, what is this room for?"

RISA KOBAYASHI: "I couldn't tell you, to be honest. I found this, and it looks like shit that can be used for broadcasting."

RENJIRO KATO: "Broadcasting?! We can-"

RISA KOBAYASHI: "It's broken. There's no point in trying to do anything with it."


RISA KOBAYASHI: "But, you can look around. Do what you like."

RENJIRO KATO: "This room doesn't look all that big, so... what is there to look at?"

RISA KOBAYASHI: "The only thing I've been inspecting is this microphone and the equipment around it."

HARUKI KISHIMOTO: "Do you think it'll prove useful?"

RISA KOBAYASHI: "Since I think it's broken; I don't think it'll do much... But I'll see what I can do."

RENJIRO KATO: "Alright. Well, we'll come back if we have to talk to you!"

RISA KOBAYASHI: "Sure. See ya."

And without waiting, Renjiro walked out of the room.

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