[0-15] - Mio Fujimoto's Introduction

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I get up from the bench like the big boy I am, and look around once more.

I find myself to be very observant at times, and it shows...

I see several people I don't know, but I feel like I can just go to a random person.

I decided to go wherever my gut takes me.


My feet took me to this girl staring up at the ceiling.

I knew she could feel my presence.

That's why she turned around and blinked once.

???: "Is there something you want?"


???: "What is it?"

HARUKI KISHIMOTO: "Could I... get your name? If it's possible?"

???: "Look at my tag real quick."

She pointed to the tag positioned just below her shoulder.

The tag read "Mio Fujimoto", "Contestant #4."


MIO FUJIMOTO: "Yes. When people hear that name for the first time, they can't really determine if it's a boy or a girl name."

HARUKI KISHIMOTO: "I mean, I saw you before I read your tag, so... does it matter?"

MIO FUJIMOTO: "I'm just saying what happens to me on the regular."

HARUKI KISHIMOTO: "That's, ah... nice."


She turned around and looked back up at the ceiling and in front of her.

Nothing was really in front of her, though...

...I think she's just trying to ignore me.

Can't help but to move on, I suppose.

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